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Bogdan Fiedur

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All blame is a waste of time...
4/22/2008 10:53:08 AM

"All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy."

-- Wayne Dyer, Teacher

Judy Smith

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Re: All blame is a waste of time...
4/22/2008 11:00:50 AM

Hi Bogdan,

Wayne Dyer is among the GREATEST of teachers to have walked this earth.  What an inspiring and wonderful man!  This quote is just like him.

Pointing the finger, and blaming others only leads to more self-dissatisfaction and frustration.  We don't get rid of that until we let go of the pointing the finger in the first place - unless we start pointing it at ourselves, that is.



Heidi Stern

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Re: All blame is a waste of time...
4/22/2008 11:26:40 AM

Thank You Bogdan

Daily Motivator
February 29, 2008

The side of the truth
Truth is one of the most effective tools available to you. When you respect, honor and abide in the truth, you put yourself on the side of strength and power.

You can try to cover it up, explain it away, run from it or rationalize against it, but in the end if you go against the truth you will lose. Lies, deceit, half truths, rationalizations and justifications must constantly be defended and maintained, and will eventually crumble. The truth remains the truth whether it is defended or not.

It often can seem convenient or expedient to deny the truth. But when you deny the truth you put yourself in a position of weakness. Making a habit of that can drain your energy, not to mention your credibility.

Put yourself on the side of the truth, though it may be inconvenient or even painful. There will surely come a time when you'll be glad you did.

Copyright Ralph S. Marston, Jr. Used by permission. From The Daily Motivator® at
Heidi Stern ~ Your Friend in Wellness
Thomas Richmond

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Re: All blame is a waste of time...
4/22/2008 11:39:48 AM
Hey Buddy, nice analogy, i find that blaming someone for something of your own accord is a waste of time, also worried for things thats not in your power to correct is a waste of time as well, both do not get what you want accomplished, it is best to move on with your day, if someone needs your help they will tell you, only! if you offer it. God_bless you and your family. Thomas.
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Nick Sym

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Re: All blame is a waste of time...
4/22/2008 11:59:44 AM
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