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Joelees Wholesale

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If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/15/2008 4:01:35 PM
Hi  Friends,
If you live in the USA or Not, I thought this would be fun and interesting ,Please vote and then post your why ? Please do not reply or comment on any friends Whys !  Gods speed :-) Lee
If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
Hillary Clinton
John McCain
Barack Obama
View Results

Also Do Not forget to visit and VOTE FOR THE BEST FORUM :: MAY 2008 !

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ALSo get all your friends to come vote !!!

Good Wishes to all the nominees Gods speed :-) Lee


Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/15/2008 4:08:39 PM
You left out the most important choice of all, "None of the Above" Neither of the major parties have given us anyone worth while in a long time.  This batch is one of the worse I've seen!
Peter Van Nieuwenhoven

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Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/15/2008 4:22:46 PM

if you want to change something you have to do it yourself!


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Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/15/2008 4:25:14 PM
I agree with Hock....We need to have a slot for "none of the above"........!!!!!!!!   Leslie
Leslie Hall
Sheryl Loch

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Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/15/2008 4:56:46 PM
I brought along my pen to write in my vote.

I want to see the Big Pharma & FDA held accountable for their mistakes.
I want natural health care to be acceptable.
I want any taxes I pay to be used for the people not for fancy crap for politicians.
I think we need to keep our noses out of other countries problems (for the most part).
I want to see parental rights restored!
Just for starters!

Sheryl Loch


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