
WOWZZA is an ILLEGAL Program as Presented! Useful Info!
4/15/2008 3:14:21 PM

Having built some of the largest and fastest growing groups in the history of the industry over the past several decades (my 2 partners and I had combined groups of over 600,000 distributors and sales of more than $2 billion in our previous 3 companies), and having a network marketing consulting business with one of my associates being a prominent former Attorney General and being very familiar with legal issues, especially as they relate to comp plans, I think I would qualify as somewhat of an expert on the industry and opportunities in general, and I have to admit I am absolutely stunned at how people could fall for the hype involving Wowzza, so here's my opinion on the program as presented based on facts, knowledge, and experience!

First, if you honestly think it is going to unseat MySpace or FaceBook, you are either plain crazy or delusional! Furthermore, there is nothing unique about the program, and a hundred of these types of deals are launching every week it seems like. Once the hype of this one wears off, the leaders will be on to the next one, taking a lot of people with them...

Second, nobody in their right mind, other than networkers, is going to spend $33 a month on something they can get for FREE from hundreds of similar sites on the Internet.

Third, matrix plans do not work! Do any of you bother to do any research? You can learn a lot from history! Evidently there are either a lot of newbies not familiar with our industry or they have been in the industry and are completely oblivious to the facts!

There has been one matrix plan in 50 years that has worked, and even that company has changed their pay plan numerous times in the past 10 years in order to retain their leaders. Just one company, which explains why NO knowledgeable person would launch a company around a matrix plan, let alone work one!

Fourth, the program as promoted is a regulatory nightmare just waiting to happen! It is being promoted as a global opportunity and I can guarantee you that they have not done the paperwork in 200 countries to meet the legal requirements to have their program legally promoted in a particular country and will get hammered if caught for being an illegal program.

I can hear it now. "We're marketing on the Internet." Or, "We're Internet based." I've got news for you. Regulators don't care if you are based on the rock of Gibraltar or the moon. If you are promoting an opportunity to people in a particular country which involved earning commissions on more than one level, recruiting them, taking their money, sending commission checks to them either directly or though some other payment method, and encouraging them to recruit people they know in that country, you are operating as a network marketing opportunity in that particular country, and if your company has not done the necessary paperwork and registration to comply with that particular country's rule and regulations as the pertain to a network marketing opportunity, the company, you, and anyone you get involved in that country is in legal jeopardy!

Furthermore, countries today are prosecuting individuals as well, with fines and jail time being given to distributors involved.

In addition, any program where you can make money for doing absolutely nothing other than just signing up is an ILLEGAL PYRAMID, not just in the U.S., but almost every country in the world which allows network marketing.

Also, since the bulk of the program's revenue is generated through the purchases of distributors (regulators don't consider the purchases of distributors to be a retail sale), and since almost all of the sales being made are to business participants, and since almost all of the commissions being earned are based on purchases of business participants, this program is highly ILLEGAL and is another SKYBIZ just waiting to happen.

Regulators want to see that you have sponsored a few people, acquired a few customers, and are performing some type of superivisory role, i.e., conducting trainings, etc. as a justification for you to receive commissions and bonuses.

Any program that claims you can make money without having to do anything, i.e., not sponsor a single person, not have to sell anyone anything, etc., and you can get paid, etc., is ILLEGAL!

Additonally, regulators like to see a minimum of a 3 to 1 customer to distributor ratio, and there's no way that is going to happen with this program...

Finally, it's a start up! 99 out of 100 programs will not be here 2 years from now! Do you honestly think this is going to be the 1 that makes it? (If you answered yes, you need MLM detox and rehab-fast!)

It is amazing the number of people who are intoxicated with hype, either due to ignorance or stupidity. (Ignorance is not knowing something and doing it anyway-stupidity is knowing better and still doing it anyway.)

Find a real business...this is nothing more than a glorified money game...and an ILLEGAL one at that...It's a $33 a month lottery ticket. pure and simple.

It's not surprising to us why most people fail in our industry...they keep riding the MLM merry go round with programs like these..

Want a real business that you can build in 43 countries with a rapidly growing, 3 year old company just featured on the cover of Success From Home magazine with 2 hot products and a lucrative 2 team pay plan where people are already earning up to $100,000 a month and more?

And here's the best part: if you act now, we can position you on top of a fast growing team of more than 8500 people, giving you one team in our 2 team pay plan, and positioning you to earn up to $25,000 a WEEK + matching bonuses for building just one leg or team! Now that's called working smart!

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