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Don Standard

9 Posts
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Duplication - A Case Study
4/14/2008 12:28:00 PM
Everyone always talks about duplication in MLM, and for good reason because you will fail without duplication. Most so called duplicable methods are a sham. All the duplicate is failure. Take a look at these numbers. STB team in this company uses Mentoring For Free. All other teams in this company use anything else. Now we can't get actual numbers for how many people are on the STB team and how many are on all the others but my guess is that it is 50% or less of everyone is on the STB team. For months I watched the STB team dominate the builders circle for this company. About 75% plus of all builders circle awards have gone to members of the STB team. This is a sponsoring award. There is a great trip to qualify for in this company each year. 100% paid for by the company. The company is 5 years old. STB team has only been around 3 years. But STB team dominates the number of people in qualification for the trip. The numbers come out to about 75% again. Now here are some new numbers. A contest called VIP where anyone in the company can get the kind of treatment usually reserved for the top level distributors when convention rolls around. Plus you win valuable prizes too. So far there are 58 qualifiers for VIP. 46 are from the STB team and 12 are from all other teams combined. About 75% again. You qualify for VIP by sponsoring new team members. So is it starting to make sense that in order to always dominate categories like this in a company, that the system is more duplicable than what everyone else uses. You may want to check out Mentoring For Free. A Duplicable system will change everything for you. What do you have that duplicates?
We turn frustrated network marketers into successful leaders. #1 MLM Resource
Re: Duplication - A Case Study
4/14/2008 3:13:39 PM
Good Post Don. Thanks, John
John R. Stipe, P. O. Box 506, Forrest City, AR 72336
Vel Am

319 Posts
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Re: Duplication - A Case Study
4/14/2008 3:25:53 PM

I received Mentoring for Free from Joseph Quinn

anyway am listening to all the Success in 10 Steps

tapes and finding out everything I have done wrong

for the last 5 years.   IE  listen to the wrong people.




- - Matthew 6:33 “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU. 34 So, never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Sufficient for each day is its own badness. .. . . . Jeremiah 33: 3 ‘Call to me, and I shall answer you and readily tell you great and incomprehensible things that you have not known.’”
Re: Duplication - A Case Study
5/16/2008 12:36:33 AM
MFF saved my A  AND my paycheck :))))

Tell it like it is, Don!

Pat Crosby