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Sharon Lee

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Dimitra Bravou!! Our 10th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman Award is a Lady from Athens, Greece who is Loved By us all here in Adlandpro....
4/14/2008 7:22:02 AM

Our 10th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman Award is a Lady from Athens, Greece who is Loved By us all here in Adlandpro....

  Ms. Dimitra Bravou!!


Lets PaRtY!! Post your Congrats here!!!



Here are just some of the Great highlights of Dimitra..

Dimitra is a Very active member of Adlandpro since 2007. Dimitra enjoys her many friends along with interest in Philosophy, Current events, Nature, Learning, History, Cats, Gardening, Internet, Swimming, Jokes and Quotes, Reading and Travel.

Dimitra is currently promoting Gibline. (Giblink) 

Please visit her opportunity here....


Has a forum here in Adlandpro called Partners and Friends.

Partners and friends

I started a new forum and I would like to see as many as possible of my friends in Adland. Feel free to add your business opportunities here or everything else would be interesting.

Read some of Dimitra's Great feedback post:

Rina Rishilah R.
Rina Rishilah Rani (user id: arinarr) is offline. Last login: 04-13-2008 1475
9.75 / 10
Sunday, September 23, 2007 - rated: 10
Oh my goodness, I cannot believe I did not do this earlier.

I am giving DIMITRA BRAVOU a 10 because:
~ She is kind, caring & loving.
~ She has a true strong spirit.
~ She is positive.
~ A great contributor to this community.

Thanks for being my friend Dimi. You are truly an angel.

Love ya, Rina
Updated: Sunday, September 23, 2007
Dimitra's Response 
Kisses to you my friend.


Simon S.
Simon Siaw (user id: 258637) is offline. Last login: 03-20-2008 198
8.33 / 10
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 - rated: 10

Nice to know you online.
Always stay happy and be cheerful.
Long to hear from dear you.
Wishing you success.
Updated: Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Dimitra's Response 
Thank you Simon,

It's so nice to find adorable people here and have so kind comments.

Warm regards,

Neil S.
9.29 / 10
Wednesday, May 09, 2007 - rated: 10

I know you are busy - yet you took the time to drop by my forum at my request. That shows you are commited to the 3rd level of commitment I hold you with respect and appreciation. Glad you are my friend!

Neil Sperling MB
Updated: Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Dimitra's Response 
Hi Neil,

thank you for your kind comments.

It's my pleasure to be your friend.



James W.
James Wright (user id: 211576) is offline. Last login: 04-13-2008 1519
9.67 / 10
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 - rated: 10
Dimitra, I wish you well with your Adlandpro experience. If I can help you at all, please let me know! Jim
Updated: Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Dimitra's Response 
Thank you Jim,

I appreciate it.

My experience with AdlandPro is great.

Joelees W.
Joelees Wholesale (user id: JOELEEsWholesale) is offline. Last login: 04-13-2008 2346
9.95 / 10
Friday, April 20, 2007 - rated: 10
Hi Dimitra,
Thank you for the warm invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family God speed my new friend :-)Lee
Updated: Friday, April 20, 2007
Dimitra's Response 
Hi Joelees,

thank you for your comments.

My best regards,


Michael C.
Michael Coffey (user id: 293055) is offline. Last login: 09-21-2007 36
10.00 / 10
Saturday, April 07, 2007 - rated: 10
Thanks for the invitation. I reall the site and its Ideas. When do I get more information. mlc
Updated: Saturday, April 07, 2007
Dimitra's Response 
Hi Michael,

I was out of my city for Easter Vacations.

Would you please remind me in what you would like to have information?




You are Greatly Appreciated Dimitra. Enjoy Your PaRtY. It is a Well Honored one for sure..;-) 


Please, Lets All Congratulate Dimitra here for her Most Distiguished Woman Award!!! WTG Dimitra!!

To Nominate YOUR Favorite pick for The Most Distiguished Woman of the Week,, Go to Lee's forum at:

To Vote for YOUR Favorite pick for The Most Distiguished Woman of the Week,, Go to Lee's forum at:

Visit Here every Monday for Our Latest Winner and to Party the week away!!!

To nominate any forum for the Best Forum Award. Please click the below link. Thanks.  (Information, nominations, rules, and regulations regarding the Best Forum Award, Pauline Raina)

Positive and FUN forums to See Every Week here in Adlandpro.


DWOTW is sponsored by.....

Team Work,,,Just Works!!
Great Wholesale items Joelee's!!
Sharon Lee

6727 Posts
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Re: Dimitra Bravou!! Our 10th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman Award is a Lady from Athens, Greece who is Loved By us all here in Adlandpro....
4/14/2008 7:25:19 AM

Congratulations! Dimitra!!

Dimitra, Enjoy your week here as DWOTW!!

Everyone knows how deserving this is to you. I will always hold a special place for you in my heart. I will never forget the help you gave me during the Greece fires in locating my Husband. Thank you dear friend. You truly deserve this and much more...;-)

Enjoy Your PaRtY This week. WHOOoooHOoooo!!!

This is just awsome and will be a Great week here in Adlandpro!!

Chris Agostarola

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Re: Dimitra Bravou!! Our 10th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman Award is a Lady from Athens, Greece who is Loved By us all here in Adlandpro....
4/14/2008 7:41:52 AM

Way to go Dimitra!!! You are a Queen now too! Congratulations. You are so deserving of this honor! Enjoy your week here!! HUGGGSSSSS,


Chris Agostarola LunaWolf's Mystical Essence FREE TO JOIN!!! Watkins rep#380993 to join :
Lydia Fokina

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Re: Dimitra Bravou!! Our 10th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman Award is a Lady from Athens, Greece who is Loved By us all here in Adlandpro....
4/14/2008 8:00:00 AM

 Thank You, Sharon!

Congratulation, my dearest Greek WEB-girlfriend Dimitra!

Мой маленький презент

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Dimitra Bravou!! Our 10th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman Award is a Lady from Athens, Greece who is Loved By us all here in Adlandpro....
4/14/2008 8:03:17 AM
Congratulations Dimitra!

Very deserving of this award.

Enjoy your distinguished week.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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