
Forum: Health and Medical Updates

Description: As i am related to health profession, i will try to put some health related informations here. Hope i will not be the only thread starter. Anyone can add any information which can help us to be healthy.
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Posts 241
Last Post 6/19/2017 7:44:25 PM
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Hafiz 2013


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Obesity now kills more people worldwide
6/19/2017 7:44:25 PM
1 1038
Defibrillator drones are four times faster than ambulances
6/14/2017 6:38:11 PM
1 852
‘Cool’ New Knee Procedure Eases Arthritis Pain Without Surgery
6/13/2017 10:31:40 AM
1 730
An Egg a day help child growing taller
6/12/2017 9:57:23 AM
1 759
Being married 'protects your health'
6/10/2017 11:57:47 AM
1 750
New medical device monitors heart data at home
6/7/2017 6:16:31 PM
1 696
Scientists get 'gene editing' go-ahead
2/1/2016 11:18:38 AM
1 883
Proton cancer therapy 'proves effective'
1/30/2016 1:24:05 AM
1 905
Zika virus: Up to four million Zika cases predicted
1/28/2016 5:16:15 PM
1 790
First children diagnosed in DNA project
1/12/2016 9:30:56 AM
1 1063
Aspartame is linked to leukemia and lymphoma in humans
1/11/2016 4:47:44 PM
1 1000
Birth control for men comes down to flipping a switch
1/10/2016 6:02:17 PM
1 873
Apple extract found highly toxic to colon cancer cells
1/9/2016 5:01:59 PM
1 937
Be careful about eating banana
1/9/2016 4:42:14 PM
3 772
Proper ways of brushing teeth
1/8/2016 7:22:25 PM
1 814