
Forum: Not Another Weight Loss Group

Description: We are not just another weight loss group because we offer a solution that is 80% nutrition 10% exercise and 10% genetics. The exercise part is not entirely necessary, but will help! This is the ultimate makeover and it is changing lives around the world! Here is the best part: it will bring you to a HEALTHY weight - if you underweight you can gain; if you are overweight you can lose! And it is simple! We provide the products, a health-oriented online social network with a schedule and suggested recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and wholesale prices to make it affordable. All you have to do is stick to the schedule for 3 months! Give your body what it is craving - proper nutrition - in a world focused on fast, processed, preservative-filled food! Dare to be different without losing the joy of living! Join us in a nutritional revolution!
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Posts 12
Last Post 4/22/2013 1:30:59 PM
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What are your health or weight loss goals?
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4/22/2013 1:30:59 PM
12 2706