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Mary Evelyn Simpson
Hi friends, after much thought and much urging from some special friends, I have decided to start my own forum and I would like to extend an invitation to all my old and new friends to come join in the fun. To participate there are only a couple of rules and those are no ads or no new threads, please, because they will be deleted.
5/5/2019 3:17:48 AM
Potw Team
NO ADS! Once a week we will feature an active member of AdlandPro who has a positive influence on our community.
6/26/2013 4:20:04 PM
The Forgiveness School
New to this Forum, We suggest that You start by Reading Threads 1 to 10 and then any one. While Forgiveness is the Disposition to Forgive and Forgive means to grant Pardon to or to Cease to Feel Resentment against (a Person); Alchemy is any Magical Power of Transmuting a substance of little value, into a substance of greater value. Thus, The Forgiveness Alchemy relates of the Magical Power of Forgiveness to Transmute any Dark Feeling into Light Feeling, into LOVE! NO ADS OR NEW THREADS ALLOWED!
12/14/2012 2:57:25 PM