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Mary Evelyn Simpson
Hi friends, after much thought and much urging from some special friends, I have decided to start my own forum and I would like to extend an invitation to all my old and new friends to come join in the fun. To participate there are only a couple of rules and those are no ads or no new threads, please, because they will be deleted.
5/5/2019 3:17:48 AM
Helen Elias
The March Against Monsanto is over now. It was a huge success! I may continue this forum for awhile to post other news about Genetically Modified Foods, etc. If you have information about GMO's please post it here. Here's a website everyone should visit and support if you are interested in a clean world and clean, non-GMO foods; learn the truth about GMO's (it's a nightmare happening as we speak) >> NOTIFY EVERYONE!! NOTIFY EVERY FORUM
5/2/2014 2:39:52 PM
Peter Fogel
Reality and desires are 2 different aspects of what is happening in the world around us. I will try always to give my opinions based on realities and not on what I would like it to be. If reality is ignored it's impossible to reach the desired goal. Not ignoring reality is the meshugenneh part of me and it's not the norm since so many ignore reality and live in a sort of make believe world.
2/23/2014 12:26:45 AM