About Me
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About Me
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Born and raised in NYC, I've been in FL since October; 2000 and currently living in St Petersburg Fla. Recently retired from the corporate world and I'm looking forward to the challenge of mastering Blogging, MLM and Network Marketing. I've been marketing online for 2 years, with a serious case of SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome), and while I'm no guru, I'm determined to help others avoid any unproductive and self sabotaging tendencies.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Self-Development, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss, General Health, Male Health, Vitamins, Computers, Hardware, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, Video Games, Audio/Video, Biking, Cars, Travel, Football, Tennis, Baseball, Other Sports
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, E-Business, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Self-Development, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss, General Health, Male Health, Vitamins, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Hardware