
Who is Monique Davi?

Monique Davi

Monique Davi
Member SinceWednesday, August 16, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, March 25, 2007
LocationPrivate City, California, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Taking care of animals.


My Interests
My Interests (4)
Interests: Hiking, Horses, Other Pets
Industries: Internet
Comments (1)
Friends (107)
Photos (0)
Groups (0)
Events (0)
Forums (16)
Ads (0)


Raewyn West - (8/16/2006 9:46:25 PM) : I have to give you a 10. Because my daughter
is named monique Davis to. so i would like to be in your friends list and i will put you on mine. My monique lives in New Zealand.


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