
Who is Raymond Fellers?

Raymond Fellers

Raymond Fellers
BirthdaySaturday, August 7, 1943
Member SinceSaturday, March 18, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, February 1, 2007
LocationLiberty, Missouri, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
Just an average guy. 63 years old. Twice married. 6 kids, 4 boys, 2 girls. One just back from second tour in Iraq. Interested in how the internet is changing the world and hoping that open communication will lead to understanding and world peace. Realistic enough to know this will be a long time coming. Been in 26 countries traveling for my work. Lived in Ankara, Turkey for 3 years while in USAF. The Turkish people are generous and friendly when met halfway. I have met some truly wonderful people in my travels.
My Interests
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Venerina Conti - (7/28/2006 9:38:19 AM) : A truly thoughtful, caring and gentle man with a heart of gold. Raymond has a true community spirit, a wonderful sense of humour and is a great person to have as a friend.

Thank you for being mine!!!
Raymond Fellers - (7/28/2006 9:38:19 AM) : Gosh darn Dr V, there goes my face turning red again (you misspelled "humor") :-), unless that is the way it is spelled in Portchewgull.

You are so sweet to bother with me about a rating.
The pleasure of being friends with you is all mine.

GBY, Ray


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