
Who is Antilla Fagan?

Antilla Fagan

Antilla Fagan
Member SinceMonday, April 21, 2008
Last ActivitySaturday, July 28, 2012
LocationPalm Coast, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Self employed for the past 20 years.  Background in financing and real estate. Networking for fifteen years.  Love to help others become successful; Extend my experience to others to help build communities and help small businesses grow their business. "Have you heard about the body magic reshaping garment that allows a person to drop 2-3 sizes in 10 minutes without diet, pills, exercise or surgery?" “Grab a pen and paper and take down this information.” Go to: There is a beautiful woman wearing one of these awesome garments. There are 3 magazines on the front page of the site called VIVE: Click on the first magazine, hurry up and get to page 32, then close that magazine Click on the middle magazine, hurry up and get to page 62, thru the end and see the kind of money people are making in a short period of time. Click on the last magazine and look at any page you want to. “Do that and call me back!” Antilla 1866-490-8334 Check this site out to learn more:
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Ralph White - (1/31/2016 9:48:47 AM) : "QUOTE OF THE DAY" Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no ti
Cheryl Maples - (11/18/2011 3:28:34 AM) : Happy Birthday, Antilla! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Ralph White - (10/10/2011 4:56:46 PM) : Have A Great Day
Cheryl Maples - (11/16/2010 5:03:13 AM) : Happy Birthday, Antilla! Have a great day! Cheryl
Ivan Harris, Sr. - (8/21/2010 3:10:26 PM) : Antilla, thanks for the friendship invitation! I look forward to networking & interacting with you!! Take care. Ivan Harris, Sr. Fed Up with the Gurus misinformation? This is changing Lives:
Amanda Bird - (4/14/2010 10:22:35 PM) : G'day Antilla. Just stopping by to say thanks for being a friend on Adlandpro. I recently updated my profile by adding more pictures and "Jazzing It Up". Feel free to comment on my photos, check out my about me and WEBPAGES. Let me know if I may be of assistance. Your Friend In Success Amanda "One Can Not Consent To Creep When One Feels An Impulse To Soar".
John Camacho - (2/17/2010 3:56:59 PM) : Hey Antilla, I like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to networking with you today and in the future! Blessings, John Camacho
Donovan Baldwin - (1/25/2010 3:26:06 AM) : Just wanted to drop by and say, "Hello".
Jack Sunshine - (1/11/2010 3:34:17 PM) : HI ANITA : I need your helpDISTRIBUTORS URGENTLY NEEDED It's easy and it's fun to earn extra money as a Sunshine Distributor. CALL 1-800-7674469 For more Information and receive a FREE catalog 1-800-767-4469... Toll Free .AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer} .AOLWebSuite a.hsSig {cursor: default}elyn:
Ralph White - (12/29/2009 2:57:13 PM) : Free Coaching From Internet Millionaire - Sign Up Now!My mentor and real Internet Millionaire, Dwayne, isoffering free coaching to show people how to earn$1,000 to $5,000 a month from home.


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