
Who is Lillian Nixon?

Lillian Nixon

Lillian Nixon
BirthdayFriday, May 19, 1972
Member SinceSunday, December 20, 2009
Last ActivitySunday, February 14, 2010
LocationPerry, Utah, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Family is important to me. I love to spend time with them, even if it's just helping them move, clean or just talking about what's going on in each others life. I am a disabled homemaker. I have Systemic Lupus and you can find out more about Lupus on my Blog. I recently are making plans to relocate to Sarasota, Fl. I hope that it all works out for my family and myself. I had 5 children, my oldest passed away last December, on the 30th right after Christmas. It was all so sad. She was only 18 years old. She had been sick for 2 years prior. I miss her. But I know there is a God. I hope he has mercy on me. I know I don't do everything according to his good book. But, I'm just doing what I know to do to provide a descent life for my other 4 children. I invite all of you at Adlandpro to visit my Blogs and support me and my family buy become followers of my Blogs and utilizing the information provided. There's so much I have that we probably all use at one point or another. So please, send me your information, I will do the same for you.
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Alain Deguire - (5/19/2012 1:37:27 AM) : Hello Lilian! Tomorrow is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Cheryl Maples - (5/19/2011 4:42:52 AM) : Happy Birthday, Lillian! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (5/19/2010 5:43:46 AM) : Happy Birthday, Lillian! Have a great day! Cheryl
Amanda Bird - (4/19/2010 7:25:44 PM) : G'day Lillian. Just stopping by to say thanks for being a friend on Adlandpro. I recently updated my profile by adding more pictures and "Jazzing It Up". Feel free to comment on my photos, check out my about me and WEBPAGES. Let me know if I may be of assistance. Your Friend In Success Amanda "One Can Not Consent To Creep When One Feels An Impulse To Soar".
Sam Adhikari - (1/25/2010 2:33:50 AM) : Hi Lillian, thanks for being my friend, I wish you all the best for your personal success and growth here at adland.
Jack Sunshine - (1/14/2010 8:30:02 PM) : HELLO AND WELCOME:We at Sunshine Jewelry can offer you a way to make good money showing our jewelry catalog book Many of our distributors are making good money from Home and you can do the sameyou can make it Full Time or Part Time just call us and mention ADLAND to receive a FREE CATALOG call 1-800-767-4469
Amanda Bird - (12/28/2009 8:23:52 AM) : Lillian let 2010 be better then all the rest. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend, make a new friend, help a stranger. Walk tall, dream big and smile more. May your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in want - an Irish Toast. Here's to the new "adventures" in 2010. Your Friend In Success Amanda
Happy Days Goldfinder - (12/26/2009 12:57:08 PM) : Hello My New Friend, I hope you are well. If I can be of any help at all, please drop me a line. I have a huge team behind me, all experts, and we cover EVERY Topic. Happy Days ...==========================================Get over 30 FREE Products!! Limited Offer!
Amanda Bird - (12/21/2009 8:08:25 PM) : Hi Lillian. Wishing you a happy, fun and my style is 'adventurous' Holiday Season. Thankyou for connecting with this Aussie on Adlandpro. I look forward to what may lay ahead. Your Friend In Success Amanda "One Can Not Consent To Creep When One Feels An Impulse To Soar"
Cheryl Maples - (12/21/2009 5:55:36 PM) : Hi again Lillian, Wow, you are doing great to get your picture up. You do have a nice picture! Thanks for being friends. I am looking forward to our friendship. Cheryl


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