About Me
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About Me
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Hello and Welcome My name is Lisa and I originally came from the lovely southernmost region of New Zealand . I worked as a Social and Care Worker for many years and at the age of 26 decided to go to University and majored in an official degree in Community and Family Studies ( Social Work ) and Political Science and training in Counselling . I have worked in the area of community care as I have wanted to give back to and help people to live full and satisfying lives within their view of what that means . My main areas of expertise have been in Dementia Care , Disability Awareness and support and voluntary support in Cancer Care/Respite and End Stage Cancer . I have always believed in the value of each person . their health , welfare and living a more natural and healthy quality of life . I work now at home in the Health and Wellbeing Industry with people environmentally sensitive to certains ingredients in skin care systems especially . Looking forward to meeting you all.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Direct Selling, E-Business, Marketing, Networking, Ancestry, Family, Friends, Homemaking, Lifestyle, Religion, Learning, Politics, Self-Development, Fitness, Relaxation, Beauty, General Health, Female Health, Holistic, Cooking, Reading, Writing, Art, History, Blogs, Computers, Multimedia, Internet, Software, Movies and Film, Biking, Travel, Nature, Dogs, Swimming
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Finances, Marketing, Networking, Investing, Lifestyle, Learning, Self-Development, Fitness, Relaxation, Beauty, Medication, Nutrition, Weight Loss, General Health, Male Health, Female Health, Holistic, Vitamins, Writing, Law, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Hardware, Multimedia, Internet, Audio/Video, News, Travel