
Who is Kyle Watters?

Kyle Watters

Kyle Watters
BirthdayMonday, December 27, 1971
Member SinceSunday, January 28, 2007
Last ActivitySaturday, September 5, 2009
LocationBelleville, Ontario, Canada Canada
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
Hello Friend, My name is Kyle Watters and I have been building websites since 2002. I am the Ower of Watters Edge at  I also do alot of web development, design and coding work for other companies.   Not only do we help our own customers, but we have been helping other web developers with thier customers. We have also worked with some of the worlds first and top Internet guru's such as Rick Beneteau. Type his name into google and you will see what I mean. We also offer affordable hosting packages and an affiliate program as well as other great services.   I also promote many of Rick products and I also use them myself.   Hope to see you soon at Also feel free to check out my blog to learn more about me and my company and get some great tips.   I am also a musician and play in a classic rock band. I played in several bands as a drummer for over 15 years and played guitar as a hobby. I know play rythm guitar full time. When I am not doing that I am usually working on an internet project with someone or doing some marketing. I hope to meet lots of good business people with good hearts and good minds. Feel free to check out my band Mystic Kick. Sincerley,   Kyle Watters   P.S. Also feel free to check out our New website with a great health product that will change your life. If your open to a great business opportunity that is risk free and 100% money back guaranteed for 90 day free trial.     Thanks again. Kyle
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Marilyn L Martin - (10/16/2007 1:09:31 AM) : Hi Kyle,

I gave you a rating of "10" because I believe you deserve that and more. I have seen you around the Community and Kyle is quite active, very positive, friendly, and very personable. Kyle has only been here a few short months, but is doing a great job here so far. I am sure we will see him soon in the Parade of Stars!! Keep up the fine work, and best of luck to you with all your endeavors.

God Bless You,

Your Friend,

Marilyn Martin
Kyle Watters - (10/16/2007 1:09:31 AM) : Wow Marilyn,
Thank you so much for your kind compliments.
I appreciate it very much. You made me blush a little :)
Thanks again,
Kyle Watters - (6/18/2007 2:50:41 AM) : Thanks baby
Joelees Wholesale - (6/13/2007 2:54:50 PM) : Hi Kyle,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Kyle Watters - (6/13/2007 2:54:50 PM) : Thank you so much for the great rating.
Have a wonderfull week.


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