
Who is Irina Savescu?

Irina Savescu

Irina Savescu
BirthdayWednesday, August 22, 1956
Member SinceFriday, April 16, 2010
Last ActivitySunday, August 22, 2010
LocationIasi, Iaşi, Romania Romania
About Me
About Me

Hello friends,

I am Irina ,I have nothing to say in my favor and for rest...this little box is too...small  Please if you have the pleasure to visit my 2 Ads 

If you want to exchange Banners with me to yor blog or personal website please send me a message

A wonderful day friends !

My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Iacovino Rosario - (12/23/2010 4:36:54 PM) : Basta guardare il video sul sito quindi fare clic su REGISTRATI inserire alcuni dati di base. Non sarà richiesto il tuo conto bancario o carta di credito. La registrazione FREE. Riceverete immediatamente il vostro sito web gratuito. Ogni persona che si registra sul suo sito personale è automaticamente assegnato il tuo numero di sponsor :
Cheryl Maples - (8/22/2010 4:03:25 AM) : Happy Birthday, Irina! Have a great day! Cheryl
James Mckenzie - (8/20/2010 5:58:48 PM) : Hello Irina, Just stopping by to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hoping this is the best ever on your special day. James
Phillip Black - (8/15/2010 3:35:57 PM) : Hi Irina. Understand that you are celebrating a Birthday this week. Just wanted to stop by to Wish You the Happiest Of Birthdays as well as a Wonderful Week. As Always, Thanks for being my Friend here at Adland. Phil
James Mckenzie - (8/8/2010 12:14:00 PM) : Hello Irina, Thanks for stopping by and as always your friendship is appreciated here with the families of friends at AdlandPro. James
Bhavesh Nasit - (5/24/2010 3:54:18 AM) : see this blog ad 2 to 3 minute daily please
Branka Babic - (4/30/2010 1:58:21 PM) : My dear Romanian neighbor IrinA, WELCOME TO ADLANDPRO! Sorry for my delay to your PM; in few days ahead, I`d give my best to respond you. Be happy! Branka
D Persaud - (4/26/2010 8:49:12 PM) : Hi Irina. Thanks for your warm wishes! Have a great day!
Cheryl Maples - (4/26/2010 7:40:41 PM) : Hi Irina, thank you for being my friend. Cheryl
Michille Job - (4/26/2010 10:53:31 AM) : same to you Irina...thanks to have you as friend, Michille


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