
Who is Henry Chinedu M.c?

Henry Chinedu M.c

Henry Chinedu M.c
Member SinceFriday, February 29, 2008
Last ActivitySunday, April 25, 2010
LocationKuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysia
About Me
About Me
The First day i met the Internet, i was constantly positive that there is something about this thing that can allow business minds relate peacefully and ideas shared for the development of cash and financial growth. I am in search of many things in my Life but His grace has made all available to be and that is why to day i am a Member of the AdlandPro web site. My Business is Web advertising and marketing and run a website @, my company email is I am also a memmber of BUSINESS ONLINE MARKETS (BOM) Networks and here we discuss dily with business minds and take advantages of business oppurtunities that will aid us to meet some of our illustrious dreams, making them real.
My Interests
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Mose Hardy - (4/21/2010 6:12:39 PM) : GET $50.00 RIGHT INTO YOUR ACCOUNT (FREE TO JOIN)
Richard Mathiason - (1/5/2010 2:35:06 PM) : My intention for you is that 2010 is a great year! If during the year you need a timeout come to my forum of Uplifting and Interesting Videos. Thank You Richard
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (12/21/2009 2:49:07 PM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you?Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...Stay In touch,Shirley
MBE MALL - (10/24/2009 9:26:03 PM) : Hi Robert,THanks for your time, if you want to make money by giving products away Click HereIf you just want to get a free book, not an ebook Click Here
Bob Tourville - (10/14/2009 5:53:19 PM) : My name is Robert Tourville. I am interested in networking with other business entrepreneurs. I like to exchange ideas, advertising and income-building strategies. Please feel free to contact me and add me to your personal contact list. Please, no auto-response.robertshotdeals@yahoo.comEST508-360-9090Please, Stay in Contact
Joelees Wholesale - (5/6/2008 9:24:58 AM) : Hi Henry,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored to be a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
