
Who is Joyce Jeanbaptiste?

Joyce Jeanbaptiste

Joyce Jeanbaptiste
BirthdaySaturday, February 23, 1957
Member SinceSaturday, July 22, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, September 23, 2012
LocationGaineseville, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests (7)
Comments (9)
Friends (94)
Photos (1)
Groups (3)
Events (0)
Forums (18)
Ads (1)


Donovan Baldwin - (9/14/2009 8:34:10 PM) : Hello Joyce. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend. Also, thanks for stopping by. I have posted a backlink to your profile on my forum, The Independent Entrepreneur, under the topic, Monday 09/14/09 Who Dropped By Today
Gabrielle Brothers - (5/31/2008 10:59:44 PM) : Hello Joyce, I'm rating you a 10 for your honesty and friendship. Looking forward to trade ideas with you.
God Bless
Larry Borkhus - (5/31/2008 9:54:54 PM) : Joyce: You are truly one of God's Angels. Have a Great Sunday, in worship.

Larry Borkhus
John Partington - (11/22/2007 11:36:48 AM) : Hi Joyce,

It's a pleasure to know you!

Joyce is a good friend to anyone who want's to get to know her, so if she isn't on your friends list invite her now.

Best Wishes
Joelees Wholesale - (8/25/2007 10:47:34 AM) : Hi ,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Ambassador John Sanchez - (2/8/2007 5:50:58 AM) : Hi Joyce!

I've not had a chance to get to know you but you were so kind with you rating of me that I wanted to return the gesture. I hope all is well with you and I hope you are enjoying your time at AdlandPro. Take care my friend!

Joyce Jeanbaptiste - (2/8/2007 5:50:58 AM) : Thanks John:

I am meeting new friends like you and I am getting help and tips on working from home, I am taking care of my mother now and home based biz is the way to go for me right now.

Tim Southernwood - (7/25/2006 2:36:12 PM) : Hi Joyce,

I just wanted to reciprocate your wonderful comments and rating. Your caring attitude and people skills will help you greatly in achieving success in marketing. You are a true asset to Adland.

Your new friend
Joyce Jeanbaptiste - (7/25/2006 2:36:12 PM) : Thanks Tim

I am happy to be aboard as well. I am taking care of my mother now and working from home is an blessing. Adland is a great place where I am finding lots of friends and help as well.

