
Who is Tony Isaacs?

Tony Isaacs

Tony Isaacs
BirthdayMonday, December 17, 1951
Member SinceFriday, December 9, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, July 21, 2008
LocationGarland, Texas, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I am a natural health advocate and researcher and the author of books and articles about natural health including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" as well as song lyrics and humorous anecdotal stories. I also have The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally.  Currently, I am residing in the scenic Texas hill country near Utopia, Texas where I am working on a major book project due for publication next year.

In 2005, I helped a multi-agency government probe expose a fake cancer drug scheme that led to the indictment of four co-defendents.  I also assisted in exposing a string of fake medicine websites promoting fake cures for Cancer, the flu and other illnesses that led to a three part feature of the week special on Fox News and action by the FDA in shutting down the bogus operations.

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Rob Vela - (2/19/2007 7:04:58 AM) : could your fine online offer be complimented by this
Tony Isaacs - (2/19/2007 7:04:58 AM) : Thanks - I am not sure I have ever seen a rating accompanied by a marketing blurb! I think there is a miss-spelling in the link though.
Tony Isaacs - (2/4/2006 9:38:03 PM) : Thanks for your generous rating. You posted this rating about the time that I ended up taking a much longer than expected break from Adland, but I am back now. Now, about that call . . . lol
Kathy Clouse - (1/17/2006 5:05:44 AM) : Pepper has sunglasses on! What an adorable dog..a little chow in him or has he been eating blueberries??I added your sites to my favorites, this is hits on some issues that are close to my heart. Awesome Pepper, Awesome site..Thanks for inviting me.
Tony Isaacs - (1/17/2006 5:05:44 AM) : Thanks so much - I am again honored by a friend at Adland! Pepper was a rescued Found Dog, hiding from the coyotes under an old overturned barbecue grill in a pasture as a puppy when my cousin and I found him. I think definitely some chow - and a lot of mischief (makes him a pefect match). Just never turn your back on that spoiled rotten chicken breast thief while you're grilling!
Judy Woodson - (1/16/2006 9:01:01 AM) : Hi Tony,

Saw a post of yours on a forum and was so impressed I had to come right over and invite you to be friends - then I looked at your "About Me" and web pages. What a great job! Does my heart good to see you here at Adland.
Tony Isaacs - (1/16/2006 9:01:01 AM) : Thank you, kind friend Judy. It makes my heart soar to hear such words and just to be here at Adland. You must take a look at my website in progress for baby boomers and seniors aimed at helping them (us!) avoid and beat disease and illness as well as live longer, healthier and happier lives. I welcome any comments and suggestions by one and all.
Bogdan Wrzesinski - (1/14/2006 3:32:48 AM) : Like your encouragement and help to Liv, your Website and your attitude, also we are in Dallas Texas and Friends. Top 10, used your promotion. Thanks and God Bless. GodSpeed.

Bogdan, Intelligence Inc Great Commission
Tony Isaacs - (1/14/2006 3:32:48 AM) : Bogdan, my neighbor and friend, again I find someone being so kind in their judgement of me and I thank you very much. Liv is a great person and to me, that is what this community should be about - befriending and gathering a circle of friends that you think you might help, those who share similar interests, hopefully those who might help yourself, and especially those who put caring above personal gain. I have no doubts that you share those sentiments and characteristics.
Liv M - (1/13/2006 9:19:42 PM) : No explanation required - the man simply put is a G.E.N.I.U.S. He does his research and knows what he's talking about and OMG guess what? He also has a SENSE of humour! Imagine that?


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