About Me
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About Me
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Dear Friends,
My name is Ed Jones, I'm originally from a small mill town called Bogalusa, Louisiana...a real country boy, where I graduated from Central Memorial High School. After graduation, I joined the United States Air Force and served for 4 years, I was stationed in Texas, California, Okinawa, Japan, Guam and the Philippines. Upon, discharge, I decided to make my home in the Beautiful City by the Bay, better known as San Francisco, California. I was employed by The City and County of San Francisco, first as a Cable Car Gripman for 5 years. I later promoted into management where I was an Inspector, Dispatcher, Training Instructor, Central Control Dispatcher, Assistant Division Superintendent, Division Superintendent and finally Senior Operations Manager in charge of 2,500 Cable Car, Bus, Street Car Operators and support staff for 25 years. I am now retired and currently seeking other challenges. I'm happy to be a member of the AdlandroPro community and looking forward to communicating and cultivating many friendships worldwide. Thank you!
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Ancestry, Family, Friends, Homemaking, Parenting, Religion, Romance, Fitness, Relaxation, Nutrition, General Health, Male Health, Holistic, Vitamins, Cooking, Reading, Puzzles, History, Making Music, Poetry, Modern Art, E-Books, Computers, Internet, Wireless, Video Games, Movies and Film, TV, News, Current Events, Radio, Music, Lotteries, Biking, Hunting, Cars, Travel, Fishing, Gardening, Nature, Hiking, Dogs, Football, Bowling, Basketball, Baseball, Other Sports
Industries: Advertising, E-Business, Marketing, Networking, Reading, Shopping, Writing, E-Books, Computers, Internet, News, Current Events