
Who is Martin Mccleary?

Martin Mccleary

Martin Mccleary
BirthdayTuesday, October 26, 1965
Member SinceThursday, December 24, 2009
Last ActivitySaturday, May 29, 2010
LocationKountze, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hello to this wonderful community...thank you all so much for the warmest welcome I have ever incountered in my life and of all places on the internet.My name is Martin and I am here to hopefully take part in putting back into our society as well as get support from them.I have recently faced death in my 24 years of the oil field and I truly shouldn't even be here with you now except there must really be a purpose for my being.I know that everyone has their own purpose but after my issuse I feel mine must be very needy to those around me and those I may have yet to meet.I have two wonderful boys/young men...LOL that give me reason to better myself and here I hope to do just that.I beleive in us (the society)and the sad part is that when I speak to my very own family I find that not many people beleive in (US)the people, I am finding this sad but true.I am family oriented and I will find the good in everyone before the bad some times that can become testy.I have a desire to make it not just for myself because I don't exsist in this world alone and I really love the concept of the PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE system and I pray that I can prove to my family that a closed mind is the down fall in our lifes...that's our society.Consistency,Attitude,and the Desire to become what you were meant to be in this life are needed and BELEIVE IN YOUR SELF...I hope and pray to help in opening up some closed minds.
My Interests
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Interests: Advertising
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Cheryl Maples - (10/26/2010 6:21:28 AM) : Happy Birthday, Martin! Have a great day! Cheryl
Amanda Bird - (4/21/2010 3:00:55 AM) : G'day Martin. Just stopping by to say thanks for being a friend on Adlandpro. I recently updated my profile by adding more pictures and "Jazzing It Up". Feel free to comment on my photos, check out my about me and WEBPAGES. Let me know if I may be of assistance. Your Friend In Success Amanda "One Can Not Consent To Creep When One Feels An Impulse To Soar".
Sam Adhikari - (12/29/2009 6:19:26 AM) : Hi Martin, thanks for being my friend. I wish you all the best for your future success and growth here at adlandpro.
Amanda Bird - (12/28/2009 8:38:38 AM) : Martin let 2010 be better then all the rest. Vow to do some of the things you've always wanted to do but couldn't find the time. Call up a forgotten friend, make a new friend, help a stranger. Walk tall, dream big and smile more. May your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in want - an Irish Toast. Here's to the new "adventures" in 2010. Your Friend In Success Amanda
Ralph White - (12/26/2009 10:54:03 AM) : Hello Fellow Adland Member. My mentor who is anInternet Millionaire is offering free coaching to show how to earn $1,000 to $5,000 a month from home.Sign up at
Ralph White - (12/26/2009 10:53:51 AM) : Learn how to borrow up to $100,000 on your signature with no credit check. Visit our website for complete details.
Cheryl Maples - (12/25/2009 10:25:25 PM) : Hi Martin, Thanks for visiting my profile and for being friends here. Thanks for putting up your picture and writing about yourself so quickly! Cheryl
Amanda Bird - (12/24/2009 9:21:52 PM) : Hi Martin. Wishing you a happy, fun and my style is 'adventurous' Holiday Season. Thankyou for connecting with this Aussie on Adlandpro. I look forward to what may lay ahead. Your Friend In Success Amanda "One Can Not Consent To Creep When One Feels An Impulse To Soar"
Cheryl Maples - (12/24/2009 6:44:40 PM) : Hello Martin, Welcome to our Adlandpro community. It's nice to meet you here. I wish you all the success you deserve and desire. Cheryl
Happy Days Goldfinder - (12/24/2009 3:39:50 PM) : Hello My New Friend, I hope you are well. If I can be of any help at all, please drop me a line. I have a huge team behind me, all experts, and we cover EVERY Topic. Happy Days ...==========================================Get over 30 FREE Products!! Limited Offer!


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