
Who is Rick Corliss?

Rick Corliss

Rick Corliss
Member SinceThursday, December 03, 2009
Last ActivityFriday, August 09, 2013
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
Hi all,

My name is Rick Corliss, a few close friends call me Wolf Brother. I have had the honor of sharing a part of my life with two wolves. My teen years were spent in foster homes, I was a merchant seaman, carnival worker and rode freight trains following the harvest.

During my 25 years of marriage I was a photographer, cab driver, sold insurance and cars and was a police officer for a couple of years. I have 4 lovely grown daughters, all doing well, and 6 grandchildren.

Oh yes, here and there I tried MLM but success eluded me. One day I clicked onto an E-Book, not expecting much. It was a new day for me! I didn't have to read very far to see that I was not the problem. My lack of success in MLM was not my fault.

Like most of the best things in life, the E-Book was and still is, free! Now it is here for you, if you want it, STILL FREE! Success in 10 Steps. I also found video's available on line that are availble for free from Magnetic Sponsoring which helped me understanding the power of networking. Both are tools I recommend to assure your success.

My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Mark Stephen Hauser ( ) - (11/26/2012 4:29:15 AM) : The 349th POTW is open for voting if you haven't already. Hope you had a nice weekend. Thanks, Steve
Roger Bjornerud - (10/24/2012 2:42:01 AM) : Thank you for connecting with me Rick :)
Miranda Ekenjock - (5/4/2012 8:27:40 PM) : out if only you can check this link out.
Patricia Bartch - (2/15/2012 8:21:45 AM) : hi rick. happy valentine's day. glad you liked your jerky from jerky direct!! pat
Glenn Hewitt - (11/3/2011 5:29:13 AM) : Thanks for sharing the ebook Rick...very enlightening!
Lucy Walker - (1/28/2011 8:56:17 PM) : Hi Rick. Thanks for stopping by my profile. I am a lot better. I am currently in an allergy treatment program. I am optimistic that it will help me.
Iacovino Rosario - (12/9/2010 1:59:22 PM) : Prelancio mondiale nuovissimo NETWORK; prodotto: applicazione per PC che rivoluzionerà il web. piano di compensazione molto simile a mandura-corporate, sono iscritto da 6 gg. e ho già circa 6000 iscritti nella mia linea mondiale)Siamo ora in pre-lancio in Malesia e Singapore e si ha l'opportunità di pre-registrazione prima del nostro lancio ufficiale. Una introduzione a questa sorprendente "app" e di opportunità, si terrà a Kuala Lumpur il 28, 29 e 30 Gennaio 2011.
Mark Atkinson - (10/18/2010 9:51:23 PM) : Thanks for the birthday wishes Rick, it is much appreciated. Hope you have a great week, here's to your success! Take care, Mark
Joyce Parker Hyde - (9/30/2010 3:54:02 PM) : Well having a friend who has lived with wolves will certainly round out my circle of interesting friends!
Mary Hofstetter - (9/27/2010 2:20:24 PM) : Some how I forgot to greet you here. You were the man that wanted to be removed from my frinds list. So now you are on my friends list. Nothing like a friends that corects speling missstakes. Have a nice day unless you have plans for anything else.


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