
Who is Geketa Holman?

Geketa Holman

Geketa Holman
BirthdayThursday, May 6, 1954
Member SinceFriday, September 22, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, April 2, 2014
LocationOwenton, Kentucky, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am a wife, mother and stay at home mom . I have home schooled all my children while working in a home based business for the past few years. I love being at home teaching my kids and making money doing something I truly love. I have always believed that you can have what ever you believe you can in life if you want it badly enough. This is why I hate the thought of working for someone else, they get their dreams, but you get left behind all the while making them money and just being stuck it that JOB mode. I am sure you have heard what JOB means before ( Just over broke ) I worked in corporate America for many years before I started my life at home after having children. I hated my job, my boss was a dummy with more education than me and I did all the work. I am sure many of you have been there. Life is what we make it . If you can dream it you can have it . So I decided to live my dream by working for myself . Anyone can work from home and make money if you stay with it long enough.

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Roger Bjornerud - (10/24/2012 2:39:57 AM) : Thank you for connecting with me Geketa :)
Ralph White - (6/1/2012 8:30:47 AM) : Have A Great Day
Geketa Holman - (5/7/2012 2:48:10 AM) : My Profile is not a place for free adverting! Please refrain from placing ads on it .. Thank You Geketa Holman
Isaac N - (5/6/2012 11:03:26 AM) : what is this new working marketing i this is Big Bang Scam i tghink on one is give proper answer for what Business they did
Ralph White - (11/7/2011 7:55:15 PM) : Hope everything is going well with you today.
Henry Muhwezi - (9/13/2011 12:22:07 PM) : Hullo
Ralph White - (8/31/2011 8:51:57 AM) : Have A Great Day
Mr. D - (8/3/2011 11:05:42 PM) : Good Day To You, and thank you for excepting my friends request. Enjoy your day and be kind to others. "Websites and Logo Designs"
Cynthia Wright - (7/25/2011 9:59:53 PM) : Hey Geketa... I'm interested in knowing more.. (*_*)... you also might want to share your news on it's a Networking Site and start'n to POP! please let me know what you got go'n on.. set up your profile at and I'll ad you to my friends list (~_*) by the way I'm bUneek there too (*_*)
Uche Ananyi - (10/14/2010 8:21:47 AM) : Hi, I have gone through your profile and have seen that you a home business mom. I am new in internet business and I would like to learn from you if you are actually making money from your business.


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