Hello to All our Adland friends from Joelee & Peter
This is the 9th of many results of your voting for the
Distinguished Gentleman Of The Week (DGOTW).
We all participated in this forum in order to honor
the many Gentlemen that shine and contribute to
our community in their own special way. All of us
have talents and we all contribute to this wonderful
community in our own way and it's only right to honor
those whose "light shines" so bright amongst us. All
the best to all of you, Peter Fogel
The definition of Gentleman is: A man with reference
to his strength, of an ideal type, well-intentioned, a
perfect gentleman at all times.
So without further ado (drum rolls) Let me introduce
our 9th winner of the DGOTW award my very good
friend Steven Suchar "The Oreo Man".

Please visit Steven's profile
The Poll for the 10th Distinguished Gentleman Of The Week -
DGOTW is open please cast your vote for the candidate of
your choice.
Joelee & Peter Fogel