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Flag of Pauline Raina

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Welcome Nominations for Feb;2008 Best Forum Award !!
1/13/2008 1:08:10 AM

                               To inspire and reward !       


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                                 February 2008!
Deadline for Nominations: January 20th, 2008 @ 5:00 PM CST


Please go here...

regarding the Best Forum Award Contest before nominating your forum here.  It contains important information you should know about the contest. 

Nomination Instructions: Please Read Carefully

  1. Click the "Post Reply" Button
  2. Place the Name of your Forum on the first line
  3. Type a brief description (30 to 50 words or less) of your forum below the name. 
  4. Place the link to your forum below the description.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Nomination Forums are reserved exclusively for nominating forums for the current BFA Round.  Posts regarding questions or concerns regarding the BFA should be directed to the BFA Award Rules and Policies Guideline Discussion forum.  Portions of posts not containing a nomination or nomination related material will be relocated or removed as necessary.

Look forward to your nominations, remember you have  one week to get them in....!!!

many blessings to all , look out for the winners announcement shortly !!!!!!!!

Pauline R

Re: Welcome Nominations for Feb;2008 Best Forum Award !!
1/13/2008 6:46:50 AM

Hi Pauline, I would like to nominate the following forum please. Thanks, Steve


Friends sure hope everyone is healthy and getting wealthy lol :-) Lee (joelees) "my only forum"

Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Flag of Lisa Simpkins

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Re: Welcome Nominations for Feb;2008 Best Forum Award !!
1/13/2008 10:32:44 AM

Hello Pauline,

I would like to  2nd.the nomination for Joelee`s Back Forum.

Thank you,

Lisa Simpkins


Flag of Mary Hannan

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Re: Welcome Nominations for Feb;2008 Best Forum Award !!
1/13/2008 2:04:11 PM

Hello Pauline,
I third the nomination for Joelee's Back Forum!

Flag of Joe Downing

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Re: Welcome Nominations for Feb;2008 Best Forum Award !!
1/13/2008 2:12:24 PM

Hello Pauline,

It is so good to see the new year taking off in such wonderful ways.  I am happy that you have been blessed with the time and health to catch up.  We have been missing you!

I would like to fourth the nomination for JoeLees forum.

It is with great honor that I nominate the following forum!

Stephen Hauser's
Profile of the Day

This forum has inspired me with the way Stephen uniquely labels each day with a thought and with humor from his everyday life, BUT bringing to the light and awareness of our friends here in Adland.  It always brings joy to my day and I look forward to writing him a response and congratulating a dear one.



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