THe 12 ZODIAC SIGNS INDEX of Articles 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
1. Aries 21/3-19/4, Legend: The Golden Ram
2. Taurus 20/4-20/5, Legend:
Zeus abducting Europa
3. Gemini 21/5-21/6, Legend: Leda And The Swan
4. Cancer 22/6-22/7, Legend: to be updated
5. Leo 23/7-22/8, Legend: The Nemean Lion
6. Virgo 23/8-22/9, Legend: Demeter and Persephone
7. Libra 23/9-22/10, Legend: to be updated
8. Scorpio 23/10-21/11, Legend: to be updated
9. Sagittarius 22/11-21/12, Legend: to be updated
10. Capricorn 22/12-19/1, Legend: Amaltheias Horn
11. Aquarius 20/1-18/2, Legend: to
be updated
12. Pisces 19/2-20/3, Legend: to be updated
To be updated Georgios