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It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 106th Person Of The Week!!!
8/5/2007 12:58:55 PM

Person of the Week    NUMBER 106!!! Person of the Week

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Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and Pauline Raina!

It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making thist event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez


POTW forum Partners Pauline Raina and John Sanchez




The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the   Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.

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For the third week in a row we are honoring a gentleman for the Person of the Week, his name is Steven Suchar. Steven is definitely one of the Good Guys and much loved in this community. The folks of AdlandPro sure know how to pick them. Steven is a very active member of the community and a positive influence on our friendly atmosphere here. Steven, we appreciate all you do in our community, congratulations of winning the POTW award!  :-)

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket  Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Here's Steven's Bio:


Thank You AdlandPro!!   Wow...I'm feeling overwhelmed right now, but in a good way.   To be named POTW is an incredible rush of energy!   As I was watching the voting this past week, I was thinking to myself this could be the week.  It has become reality alright.

To follow Sam Hall and Sam Sunday as POTW is a total honor for me.  I am most grateful to be the 3rd King respectively.  Georgios' prediction was 100% on target...3 Kings Will Rule!!!

A HUGE "thank you" goes out to the AlphaTrivia Team who put me on the ballot to begin with.  To every one of my friends who voted (collectively not only for me) I say "thank you" too.

It was a real pleasure being in the running with all of the other nominee's.  I salute all of are all winners and good luck this week once again!!

I am ready to be a part of all of the love, kindness, caring and sharing that will flow through this forum this week.  LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!

Here is my biography.

I was born on January 30th 1959 in Chicago Illinois.  I am the youngest from a family of six.  Mom, Dad, Grandma, two older sisters and myself.  My Dad was a tradesman in the heating/air conditioning field...he was the breadwinner.  My Mom was a stay-at-home housewife and Grandma split the cooking and housekeeping chores with Mom.  Grandma baked the most delicious date cake and carrot cake, they were two of my favorites.
It was such a different time back then.  In my eyes it was simpler and slower seemed to me that people had a lot more patience and they didn't need things RIGHT NOW!!
Our whole family ate dinner together 7 days a week...yes 7!  Sunday dinner was special.  We ate at noon while we watched either Sherlock Holmes or Charlie Chan mysteries on Chicago's own channel 9 (WGN-TV).
I'm happy to have grown up in the years when entertainment was REAL entertainment.  All of the very talented Actors, Actresses, Singers, Musicians and Comedians from that time were once-in-a-lifetime never to be again.  That's the way I remember it.  Today, it's reality show stacked on top of reality show...didn't we turn to entertainment to ESCAPE reality for a little while?
I progressed through the usual 12 year education...graduating High School back in 1977.  30 YEARS AGO!!  My sisters always told me "enjoy your high school years, because after that time just takes off".  They were so right, it really has.
I met a WONDERFUL girl back in 1976, my wife Diane, and we got married in 1980.  We  celebrated our 27th Wedding Anniversary June 6th.  We never had any children of our own, but a toy poodle named Snoopy came along with Diane when we were married.  We've stuck to the four-legged type kids (K9) throughout the years though.   Our beloved Doberman, Deuce, died unexpectedly back on April 15th.  We miss him very much.
Diane and myself have always been Northern Illinois'rs so far!!  We enjoy the simple things.  Our ambitions are to venture out west to Arizona this fall and take it all in.  Soak up some warmer weather for a change this winter .  We've been wanting to go out that way for years.
Well, I wanted to keep this short so I'll wrap it up right here.
One more thing though.  I am very happy to have found Adlandpro.  This is my first "online community" too.  It all started with placing a free ad and it has turned into getting more involved in our community forums and also building my friend's list a little at a time.  Of course, getting to know the wonderful people here just happens naturally!
Thanks again John, Pauline and all my ALP friends for featuring me this is something I will always remember.
To everyone at Adland...have a pleasant day!  Your OREO friend Steven.
PS...If I am not on your "friend's list" please invite me!!

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Folks, it’s time to congratulate Steven on winning the POTW award! Please invite him to join your list of friends if he isn’t on it already.
Steven, from reading your Bio we can tell you’re a wise person who has a good handle on life. Enjoy your much deserve POTW week as our King of AdlandPro!
Here's a photo for you on your special day!
Another Day!
© Copyrighted  John R. Sanchez

Love and Blessings to all of you from,


John Sanchez and Pauline Raina

Folks, if you haven't voted for next week's POTW(number 107) you still can at:

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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 106th Person Of The Week!!!
8/5/2007 1:09:18 PM
Hi John & Pauline, :-) Congrats to King Steven! You are so awesome! Enjoy your POTW! lol, LaNell                                   
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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 106th Person Of The Week!!!
8/5/2007 1:38:26 PM
Hi John & Pauline!

Thank You so much for this honor and all of your hard work that makes it possible. :)

You sure know how to make a guy feel special!!

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 106th Person Of The Week!!!
8/5/2007 1:40:46 PM

Hi, Pauline and John,

What a great choice!

Hi, Steve,

Well, the Oreo man did it again!  What a wonderful thing!Congratulations to you for your kindness online to all of us at AdlandPro Community.  During the forums sponsored by Monica, you make my day (or night, whichever). 

You and Diane take care, and Steve, enjoy your reign!



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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 106th Person Of The Week!!!
8/5/2007 1:48:43 PM
Hello John and Pauline,
Thank you for featuring our POTW's each week.

Hello Steven.

Wow, another Jerky Direct team mate makes it to
POTW, congratulations and best wishes.

Steven Suchar

I enjoyed reading more about you and agree, it was
a much slower pace back in the 60s and 70s as kids,
no worries, no pressure to speak of...

Kind regards


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