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BFA Results: July, 2007
8/3/2007 3:24:44 PM


Well I can feel the anticipation mounting and the breaths being held... that makes it all the better environment to announce the Winner of July's BFA! First, let's all give a hand to all of the Finalists, as this was indeed a very tough decision for our Panel of Judges.

Without further ado, here are the winners of the BFA for July of 2007:

Foto Fun! Photography With A Twist!, by John Sanchez >>$200.00!<<

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 12.50 This is what this Forum is essentially based on is aesthetic impact, and it certainly excels at that!  Beautifully done. Going through the different threads in this forum the owner has kept a good balance with use of images and flow of content.

Originality 12.00 It appears as though this Forum is the first of its kind, based solely on the hobby of Photography (and also with the combination of poetry to compliment the pictures).  Combines ideas from other forums well. Although it is not a very unique topic but it is one that many members do enjoy, in regards to photography.
Organized 10.50 I cannot provide higher marks for this based purely on the fact that this Forum is so new; I don’t have much for a comparison. Very good so far. Very well organized, and threads are focused on the main topic.
Owner Int. 11.50 The Forum Owner is everywhere, assisting and providing moral support to the posters. John pops in
Owner is very active in the forums, and responds well to other members.
Prof. 12.50 Professionalism is very evident here, as everything stays on topic and cordial. Very nice to see. John is always
curious and
Good job in keeping members excited regarding the theme of the forum.
Totals** 19.67      

Something To Make You Smile, by Marion Tucker

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 10.00 There are some very nice colours and images here, but it could be brought to the next level. Good use of color
and type.
From viewing most of the threads in this forum, it has a good use of images when needed. Very pleasant to browse around.
Originality 9.00 There are many Forums on Adlandpro that deal with humour (not to say it’s not appreciated!) Not the first but
the best current
forum dedicated to making you feel good.
Topic is pretty standard is exactly what the title states, humor and inspiration.
Organized 13.00 Every Thread stays on topic and consistent with the next. Post stay on topic. Nicely organized, easy to read through the topics, which remain consistent to theme the forum.
Owner Int. 12.00 There is a nice level of consistent conversation happening here often- excellent! Marion always
interacts with her
Owner is visible throughout the forums, replying regularly to the other members.
Prof. 13.00 It’s good to see that even though this is a “joking” Forum, that there are no jokes that offend (which is difficult to do nowadays). It’s tough to keep that happy-medium, and I give you props for that! Marion is always
considerate and
Very pleasant and polite in her conversations.
Totals** 19.00      

WHY Water is Critical To Your Good Health, by Joe Downing

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 10.50 I like the tasteful usage of imagery and colourful text here. To many changes of
color and letter
size sometimes
distracts you from the post.
Good and pleasing to the eye. Easy to read various topics. Nice layout of information.
Originality 10.00 This is not the first Forum of its kind, as it touches on many frequented topics. Other forums deal the most of the topics here.
Interesting array of topics and information. Members are enjoying the forums content and getting involved.
Organized 8.50 There is not very much consistency in regards to fluidity of Threads, though within the Forums themselves things stay relevant to that particular Thread. Forum topics are
Consistent flow of topics. Fun and easy to read and browse through the various threads.
Owner Int. 13.50 This Forum Owner is undoubtedly all over these Threads! Good job. Joe responds to and engages his guests in discussion. Once can notice the owner is very involved with his forum and responds frequently.
Prof. 13.50 The happiness and respect for people that is evident within this Forum is contagious; I believe that a consistently enjoyable emotion is “professional” so props to you! Joe is always
responsive and
respectful to his
Owner is fun, courteous and professional. Is very focused on getting fresh ideas and content out.
Totals** 18.67      

Business & Pleasure, by Monica S >>Voted Most Popular<<

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 8.50 There are only a few Threads within this Forum that have strong visual appeal; the rest are based more on textual value. Much of this forum doesn't lend itself to graphics. They
are present where
appropriate. Type is sometimes not easy to read in the rules of the alphabet game.
Clean and neat layout.
Originality 8.00 There are quite a few Forums on Adlandpro that have this type of combined topic. The stated intent
of this forum is pretty general. Monica's alphabet game is a winner.
Going through the threads, the theme is pretty constant but after a while gets a bit repetitive.
Organized 12.00 Flows very nicely; easy to follow and pleasant to read. I enjoy that aspect. Well organized. Each topic is clear.
Well organized. Threads follow a distinct pattern.

Owner Int. 12.00 The Forum Owner is very visible all throughout this Forum; it is highly anticipated by her Posters, also, and that is very encouraging! Monica's presents in
her forum is
Owner participation is good.
Prof. 12.00 The ambience of this Forum is very welcoming; everyone is treated well by everyone else, regardless of their frequency in posting. Monica is always
pleasant. I did not see any situation
where conflicts have arisen. She is always respectful.
Owner always replies positively to the members.
Totals** 17.50      

Just Perfect or "JP Award" Forum, by John Partington

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 9.00 There is repetition in terms of the images used; a bit more variety could be implemented in regards to colours and images. Johns forum
sometimes uses very small type other times it is easy to read.
Nice and simple to navigate through the threads.
Originality 8.00 This is not the first Forum to support the celebration of Adlandpro Members. Offers some
rewards, but very
similar in to the
person of the week
forum only monthly.
Good way to get members interested by doing a monthly Just Perfect person award. But other than that nothing new to see.
Organized 12.00 There are no gaps for content and continuum of Threads here! Excellent. Consistent
and award threads.
Owner has done a good job remaining focused on this award.
Owner Int. 9.00 The Owner of this Forum could post more frequently to intensify his encouragement. John keeps an eye on his threads. He pops in when there is a question.
Good interaction with the members.
Prof. 11.00 Awards Forums have to be professional to be conducted smoothly, so it is nice to see that this is evident here. Comments about not being in well with Bogdan are uncalled for.
Doesn’t show favoritism so it’s nice to see both male and female award winners.
Totals** 16.33      

Congratulations once again, Mr. Sanchez, and of course to everyone who participated, also! Don't forget to nominate your forums again next month, so the Judges can duel it out once again. :)  All 5 were extremely strong  contenders for the BFA this month (which you can see with the *very* close numbers!) and have a really good chance for next month's win when nominated.  The link to the new BFA nomination thread will be up in a few minutes. 


April Brennan

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Re: BFA Results: July, 2007
8/3/2007 3:36:41 PM
Thanks April, Well done. Much can be learned from your comments as we all work on forums. The most difficult aspect of the forum is sticking to a topic. Few can do that as we post a variety of topics in one forum if we only have one forum. Congratulations John----well done, my man.
Flag of Steven Suchar

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Re: BFA Results: July, 2007
8/3/2007 3:48:22 PM
Hi April!

Thank You for bringing these results to us today. :)

HIGH 5 John on taking 1st place!!

HIGH 5 Marion, Joe, Monica & John respectively!!

You all do a spectacular job with your forums here in our community. lol.

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

ththHappy_Face_Great_Job_02.gif Great Job image by cherokeeg1843
Flag of John Partington

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Re: BFA Results: July, 2007
8/3/2007 3:55:37 PM

Hi April,

Thanks for posting the results!

Least said soonest mended, where do you get these judges from the planet Zorb?

I stay out of the forum because there are too many people in this community that live to post!


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Flag of Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: BFA Results: July, 2007
8/3/2007 4:31:12 PM
Hello April!

I will not comment the Judges. I don't know who they are what I know is I am sure they haven't their own forums to know what a "Heaven" it is to have 50-200 post in a thread and at the same time having five threads released on the air. Anyhow this was a nice race. As said by others earlier a forums' popularity is not equal to judging results.

Congratultions John Sanchez

Your deserve being BFA of August. In my taste you other forums are better which means that we will see you here in very soon again.

I will also congratulate all you other forum owners for participating the final. In my taste your forums are as much winners as the winning.

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