Each week we will honor a woman that has truly made a difference by her
contributions, courage, love, and selflessness. Women honored will be chosen from inside AdlandPro, outside AdlandPro, living in the present, and yes, we will not forget those heroines that paved the way for the freedoms we now enjoy. We will honor women who have shown tremendous courage and fortitude against all odds.
Assisting us in coordinating these awards are four outstanding ladies who are Women of Courage in their own right.
Carla Cash
Veronica Davidson
Joyce Hyde
Pauline Raina http://community.adlandpro.com/go/301079/default.aspx
Aparna Ganguli http://community.adlandpro.com/go/blukiwi/default.aspx
Geketa Holman http://community.adlandpro.com/go/313726/default.aspx
Our Sweethearts of Courage
Shirley Caron http://community.adlandpro.com/go/scaronpoet2005/default.aspx
Michael Caron http://community.adlandpro.com/go/192260/default.aspx
And Adlands very own man of Courage
John Partington http://community.adlandpro.com/go/114695/default.aspx
Lisa Simpkins
Thank you Carla for your outstanding submission!
When I nominated Lisa Simpkins to be in the Woman of Courage , I only knew a little bit about her. Then I found out there is alot to her story.
Lisa was raised in the state of Illinois by her mother mostly. Her father was a trucker so he was gone a lot of the time. He was also an alcoholic,which caused her parents to divorce later on. She never had sisters, only brothers which caused her to be more of a fighter. That probably helped her survive her challenging life.
After her parents divorced, she moved from state to state. She was a mother at the age of 16 and she was homeless. She survived by feeding her daughter out of a dumpster. It was sad to hear that this had happened to her or to know that happens to anyone really. Fortunately, she met a minister and she got involved in church. Her life took a turn for the better. She got a home for her and her daughter.
Lisa was able to earn her GED. She started college but had to quit to take care of her mother. Five years later, her mother died from a heart attack.
She was in the state of West Virginia when someone introduced her to Teddy Simpkins. They were married and now have been together 19 years. They had their daughter Tiffany after being married 3 years.
They also purchased a home so Lisa had the stable home she'd never had as a child. When she had her son Brandon,she found out that she and Teddy both had Spinal Degeneration Disease. Since they knew they'd have to earn a living over and above their disability income, Lisa learned from Teddy how to operate a computer. She is now all over the internet and her website is very professional. She is also a mentor and helps people with their businesses all the time.
She told me in a forum that she will “ hold on to God forever” and I'm sure she will, she values her belief in HIM highly and gives Him the glory. She is a valued prayer partner of mine too and is always ready to pray for others when asked to. Lisa also has a really good sense of humor!
Lisa is also a grandmother now and often babysits her grandchild. She is obtaining her Bachelors degree online at AIU in Computer Science/Technology.
God bless you Lisa. We in Adlandpro wish you the very best in everything always!
Written by Carla Cash