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It's Time For The Person Of The Week (POTW) Forum! (65th Edition)
10/16/2006 2:24:14 PM

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Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and LaNell!

It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez

The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the   Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.



This week’s Person of the Week is a no nonsense down to earth girl who tells it like it is, her name is Kathleen VanBeekom. Kathleen has been associated with AdlandPro since way back and has seen how the community has evolved. She is very active in the community and well liked by many. Congratulations Kathleen on winning this week’s POTW award! Enjoy your week on the front page of AdlandPro!


Here's Kathleen's Bio:

Kathleen VanBeekom:  (Occupation: Pursuit of Worldwide Fame) 

People ask me how I got a huge friends list here at AdlandPro, I tell at a time!  If you're in sales, the percentage of people on your list who actually read your advertisement, and then visit your site, and then actually make a purchase, is only going to be a fraction of a percent of your total list.  If you want to sell, you need to put your ads in front of as many people as possible and tell the benefits, benefits, benefits for them.  A few people have said I put too much hype in my ads, well, would you buy something if I just said, "This is nice, I think you'll like it."?  If someone said, "AdlandPro is good, join it" in comparison to "AdlandPro gets 100,000's of visitors, offers free worldwide classifieds with 1 click and notifies you when people click your ad and visit your site, and this is one of the highest ranked ad sites worldwide, just being part of it can boost your rankings..." that would make you join more than if someone just said, "This is good."  


The most successful online programs use the same system that mail-order programs have been using for decades, they get your mail address first, and then they can send you repeated messages.  I get lots of postal mail, and I read the letters that have the most info, rarely the ones that just say "This is good, join it."   Being here at AdlandPro Community gives you an advantage, you have the capability to contact thousands of people every day.  Some people say they don't want to overuse the messaging systems, well I think that's like saying you don't want to use your entire brain.  Why not?


QUOTES from Kathleen VanBeekom:


"I'm not here to be liked, I'm just here because my parents had sex a long, long time ago."


"Is there anyone really special on this earth or are they just the same as all the people who are in my way at the grocery store?"


"Common sense is like your own personal set of internal windshield wipers."

MORE BIO INFO about Kathleen VanBeekom: I've been online since late 1997, became an affiliate for AdlandPro Classifieds in 1998 and I also created some banners a long time ago to advertise this great place, you can find them by clicking on "My Account" at the upper right, then click "Affiliate" at the upper center, then click "Link Code" on the left, then click

"3. Large Banners".  If you can't find them, oh well!


Why did I make my bio about online advertising?  Because this has been AD-Land Pro for 8 and a half years, it was about advertising for many years before the start of the community, and it's still about advertising, it hasn't changed to Chat-Land-Pro or Argument-Land-Pro yet, even though some days we lose focus on our goal of advertising.  What's my purpose of featuring famous people in my forum?  They have good things to say, they kept their focus on their goals and we can learn from them, they were and still are "regular people"...the kind of people who get in our way at the grocery store.


See some really worldwide famous people here at my TRIPLE WHAMMY Forum:


About Me plus you'll find the link to My Hometown Double Feature here:

Kathleen VanBeekom


Now Folks lets make Kathleen’s POTW week a special week, please take the time to congratulate her and please invite her to join your list of friends if she isn’t already on it.


Kathleen, nice to see you here on the POTW forum my friend, I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and your personal e-mails. I appreciate your genuine candor. Enjoy your week as our POTW and Queen of Adland.


Love and blessings to all of you from,

John Sanchez and LaNell



Today is the last chance to vote for the 66th POTW, go to the site below to vote:

New POTW nominations forum at:


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Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week (POTW) Forum! (65th Edition)
10/16/2006 2:35:21 PM
                            Queen Kathleen
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Flag of John Partington

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week (POTW) Forum! (65th Edition)
10/16/2006 2:35:30 PM

Hi John,

Congrats to Kathleen, and I do hope my forum "Apathy and Pathetic" forum has prompted a few more members to vote for the 66th POTW?

Best Wishes


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Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week (POTW) Forum! (65th Edition)
10/16/2006 2:35:50 PM

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Soooo nice to see a friend and Team mate become a POTW.


Enjoy Your week!

Best regards
Flag of Tim Southernwood

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Person Of The Week (POTW) Forum! (65th Edition)
10/16/2006 2:37:26 PM

What a GREAT write-up!
It's about time someone cut the fluff..and reminded some of the people here what the heck they're supposed to be doing
I especially loved the part about "Chat-land-pro" "argument-land-pro"  lol
Who knows..maybe someone will start a community now by that name ;-)
A great quote that you made, I'll be taking to heart..that my common sense should be my own personal set of windshield wipers. Fabulous stuff!
Congrats and success to you!

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle