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AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! (2nd Edition)!
8/26/2006 2:16:43 PM

Hello Everyone! Smiley

Those of you who know me well know that I from time to time like to do some brainstroming to come out with a hot new forum. This time I put a team together to help me bring this idea to reality. What is this new project? It's a weekly Awards presentation forum!

Here's the awesome team that I have put together:

Deborah Skovron

Arild Haukeland

Carla Cash

Marilyn Ali

Venerina Conti

?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /Nan Herring

Michael Rogers

A special thanks goes to Deborah Skovron, Arild Haukeland, Marilyn Ali, and Carla Cash for getting their nominations to me on time.

These are the Awards that will be presented:

The Pillar of the Community Award-- this award will be awarded to an individual who has been in the community for at least a year and who has been a respected leader at AdlandPro. The Awarded will be someone which the community wouldn’t be the same without, an active member who contributes to Adland’s greatness.

The Triple Crown Award -- this award will be awarded to individuals who are on the list of Top Posters and Most Friendly and who are a former POTW or who are currently a Power Member or Advisor.

The Golden Heart Award – This is as you guessed, it is an award for those individuals who are just darn right sweet and helpful, true Humanitarians and Good Samaritans.

AdlandPro's Special Talent Award

AdlandPro's Special Talent Award – This one will be awarded to individuals for different reasons or to highlight a special talent they have like being very funny, or very creative, etc.

And now for this week's Awards Presentation!!!

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The 2nd Pillar of the

Community Award goes

to Arild Haukeland for

his dedication to making

AdlandPro the best it can


The Triple Crown Award

goes to Georgios

Paraskevopoulos because

he's number 4 in total

posts and he's in the top 50

list for. He is

also a former POTW and

is currently a Power


The Golden Heart Award

goes to Luella May for

her work at The Corner

For Women and for her

work here at AdlandPro.

AdlandPro's Special Talent

Award goes to Shirley

Caron for her Talent in

Writing Poetry. Shirley is a

Renown Poet who has won

many Awards.

That's it for the 2nd Edition of AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!

Please take the time to Congratulate each of the Winners.

Thank you so much for your participation! :-)

Love and blessings from John Sanchez and AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation Team

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! (2nd Edition)!
8/26/2006 2:20:06 PM
Hello John, Wow, amazing job,Congradulations to all of you, your all such shining people here at Adlandpro,You make this community what it is,Have a blessed day.Kathy/
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Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! (2nd Edition)!
8/26/2006 2:27:24 PM

Hello John,

Thank you for inviting me to this forum.  It is a good idea and you are doing a great job here at Adland.  Congratulations to everybody.  Enjoy your special time!

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Mary Hannan

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Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! (2nd Edition)!
8/26/2006 2:27:50 PM


Re: AdlandPro's Weekly Awards Presentation!!! (2nd Edition)!
8/26/2006 2:33:15 PM
Congratulations everyone.  Well deserved I am sure!!  Keep up the good work and I hope your business' flourish!!

Elizabeth Otto
"There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking." William James 1842-1910, Psycho