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Ana Maria Padurean

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Food and Wine
5/5/2006 9:44:46 AM

The main ingredients used by Romanian chefs are meats such as pork, beef and lamb, fish, vegetables, dairy products and fruits. A traditional Romanian meal may include:

Appetizer All kinds of cheeses, cold cuts and vegetable spreads.
Soup "Ciorba de perisoare" (meatball soup), "ciorba taraneasca" (vegetable soup, with or without meat), "ciorba de burta" (tripe soup).
Fish "Saramura" (grilled carp in brine), "nisetru la gratar" (grilled Black Sea sturgeon) or "scrumbie la gratar" (grilled herring).
Entree "Tocanita" or "tochitura" (meat stew seasoned with onions and/ or spices), "ghiveci" (over 20 vegetables cooked in oil), "sarmale" (pickled cabbage leaves stuffed with a mix of minced meats, rice and spices) and "mititei" (The "Wee Ones" - small skinless grilled sausages) are among the favorites.
Dessert "Papanasi" (cottage cheese donuts, topped with sour cream and fruit preserve), "clatite cu branza" (crepes filled with cottage cheese, raisins and spices) and "cozonac" (traditional holiday sweet bread filled with walnuts, poppy seeds or cream cheese).
Wines A traditional drink enjoyed with appetizers is "tuica" (a potent plum brandy) which varies in strength, dryness and bouquet according to the production area. Whether you travel in Romania along the coast of the Black Sea or in the Dorbrudja Plateau near the Danube Delta region or in the Province of Moldova or along valley slopes of the scenic Carpathian Mountains or in Transylvania Province or in Wallachia or in nearly any agricultural area throughout Romania, you’re in wine country. Romania is one of the world’s top-ranking producers of numerous delicious wines, some of which never leave its borders. Archeological evidence of country-wide wine production in Romania’s grape-friendly soil and climate dates back to the classical Greek and Roman eras of settlement in Romania. Today, on a list of the world’s “Top 12 Wine Producers,” in which France ranks number one and Italy is listed as number two, Romania ranks tenth (10th) among the world’s top wine producers by volume. (Attribution: U.S. News & World Report, May 20, 2002, page 30, citing source: Wine Institute based on data from Office Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin.) For the traveler interested in adding viniculture to his or her cultural itinerary, a trip to Romania offers many opportunities to visit wine-producing regions and to discover and sample the many different wines of Romania, from little known local and regional wines to Romania’s great wine labels, such as Murfatlar, Cotnari, Jidvei, Dealu Mare and Odobesti.
Romania’s climate and soil are hospitable to the production of many different types of wines, from dry, sparkling whites to rich, aromatic, purplish reds. And, since traditional Romanian fermentation methods do not employ chemicals, drinking these richly tasting wines seldom results in a hangover.

Dinner at the Count's Romanian Traditional Meal

Hope you had a wonderful time here :-) Thank you so very much for coming! With friendship, Anamaria __________
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Deborah Skovron

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Re: Food and Wine
5/5/2006 10:10:33 AM
Hi AnaMaria, You have made me sooo hungry. Everything sounds so good. I can't tell you how much I enjoy coming here to visit, wish you lived on my block. Thank you, my friend. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Lisa Westberry

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Re: Food and Wine
5/5/2006 10:31:19 AM
Hello Ana, Ok, now I have to take a break and go eat, LOL!!! Great forums my friend. Hugs,
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Food and Wine
5/5/2006 11:44:23 AM
:-D Hello my dear friends. Looks you d not need any "have a good apetite" greeting. I'm so glad for joining me here. Thank you. With friendship, Anamaria
Herb Gruenewald

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Re: Food and Wine
5/5/2006 2:34:38 PM
WOW! Let's eat. I'm going to come to your house. Everything sounds so yummy! Thanks fur making me so hungrey. Warm regards, Herb

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