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Ana Maria Padurean

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The Good People's Easter (Dead People's Monday)
5/1/2006 6:10:06 AM
The Good People's Easter is celebrated a week after the Easter, on Monday, right after Thomas' Sunday. In the Romanian tradition, the Good People are the ancient's spirits, which live between the two worlds, where Saturday's water spills into the Earth. The Good People are religious people and fast each time they should, according to the traditions. However they are not aware of the day when Easter is celebrated until they see remains of the painted eggs on the water, about eight days later. According to the legend, the Good People have a small stature, do not wear any kind of clothes and are covered by hair. The boys are taken care of by the mothers until they are able to live by themselves. After that, they live in isolation, fasting and praying along the other men. They meet with the women only one time each year, on Good People's Easter. In gratitude for the dead, packages containing red painted eggs and pies are placed on the graves and candles are lighted. Thank you all for taking your time and coming here! :-). With friendship, Anamaria _________ My AdlandPro DirectMatches My Randomizer
Arthur Webster

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Re: The Good People's Easter (Dead People's Monday)
5/1/2006 2:55:15 PM
Hi, Anamaria, What a tantalising piece of folk lore. It seems to have some similarities to all souls day but the description of the Good People doesn't fit anything I have heard of before in a Christian tradition. I'm going to have to do some research. Regards
Karen Earll

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Re: The Good People's Easter (Dead People's Monday)
5/1/2006 5:33:21 PM
I agree with Arthur. I am fasinated by folk lore. Thank you for sharing.
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The Good People's Easter (Dead People's Monday)
5/1/2006 5:40:14 PM
Hello Ana Maria, Tahnk you for the invite. This day is separate. I know the day but I did not exactly know the tradition behind it. In Greece, the Ponians (Black Sea Greeks) have established an ancient celebration. They go to the grave yard and set the table on a the graves with Easter food and red eggs, they eat, dring and sing old traditional songs about about the spirits, life, happenings and rembemberings for generations back. I was lucky, I saw this today in a documentary film. So now I am more informed about Good People's Day. As you said this happens on Monday eight days after Easter or the day after St Thomas' Day wich is always Sunday after Easter. Happy New Month Georgios
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Deborah Skovron

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Re: The Good People's Easter (Dead People's Monday)
5/3/2006 9:37:36 AM
Hi AnaMaria, How very interesting, we have nothing like that in our folklore pertaining to Easter. Thank you so much for giving us a look at this wonderful piece of legend. Your Good Friend Deborah
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