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A good subject line - something unique
6/28/2009 4:52:47 PM


The suggestion has been made that a good unique subject or something of wide interest makes a good forum.

What do you think?

Let's hear your views.

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Re: A good subject line - something unique
6/28/2009 5:40:13 PM

I would say something of wide interest presented in a unique way...

OR a unique idea presented in a way to gain more interest.

What's of wide interest? Music, entertainment, pets, cooking, gardening, family.  How to present those in a unique way without getting boring?  Ask people if they want to be featured with their favorite subject and let the featured people bring their batch of friends? 

What's a unique idea presented in a way to gain more interest?  Are there any unique ideas?  The Bible says there isn't, it said so 2,000 years ago. LOL!  But the internet IS relatively new, and yet we're all bored with it already, why is that?  Because we expect it to entertain us?  We forgot how to entertain ourselves? The TV is even duller.  A unique idea: Getting back to being able to entertain ourselves without electronic media or depending upon the typing of strangers??

Re: A good subject line - something unique
7/3/2009 6:27:47 AM
This is a good idea for a topic.  The problem would be to find one that hasn't been taken.
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