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Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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2/16/2009 3:06:00 AM

...It can't see you, hear you or make a judgement of you.

The internet is just the vehicle for you to use to obtain the freedom that you want. The internet doesn't care if you're too short, too tall, too brown, too black or too white. It doesn't care if you're too thin, too fat, too ugly or even if you're beautiful.

The internet doesn't even see you & it really doesn't care that it doesn't see you. The internet only knows how to do what you tell it to do.

All you need is a plan that tells you what to tell it. When you know what to tell the can lead you down the path of making you a fortune. But make no mistake! The internet never sleeps & it will only lead you to your fortune if you tell it what to do.

Now you can get the same plan that one of the greatest internet marketers uses to dominate the markets & products that he sells online. He can show you how to do it, if you are serious about finding your path to freedom on the internet.

Get his book for FREE while supplies last. You've never had a better chance to change your life & I urge you to take the action now that will lead you down your path to freedom. Freedom from money worries, freedom from anxiety & stress. You have the power to choose an abundance of cash! All you need to do is choose the path that the internet can provide.

Your plan is here & your time is now! Don't let the internet pass you by: ~~~~~~

The above text is an ad that I wrote a couple of days ago after attending an internet marketing seminar this past week that Stephen Pierce taught.

Throughout the 3 days of attending the internet event I had light bulbs going off in my brain. I've known for quite some time that I wanted to learn more about the internet and marketing products on the internet but just hadn't had the opportunity to learn from someone like Stephen Pierce before.

I'm sure glad that my business partner and I attended. The information provided was transformative & now that I know that it's really a matter of having the right plan to follow & taking the action steps that the plan recommends that will get me where I want to go. The internet is a powerful tool, but I am the one who will have to implement the techniques needed to have the financial success that's possible online.

Personally, I'm glad that the internet doesn't discriminate...that way even someone like me can use the internet to have an enormously successful online business & that is exactly what I plan to do.

Stephen is the one who got me to thinking about the internet in the way that I've described it here. He said in one of the training sessions that "the internet doesn't discriminate and no one has any excuse for not succeeding online if they really want to."

He also said that "it's just a matter of knowing the things to do and taking the action using the tools that are available online."  I was buzzed when I arrived home the final day of the seminar. It was really fantastic to hear and to see what Stephen Pierce was talking about.

Now I know that I really can follow his advice & have success on the internet. For a few years I've been dabbling online & somehow expecting that things would just start happening. But until now, I didn't even know what I didn't know!

 I did know that I needed something more than I'd been aware of before....and now I am convinced that I've been shown the tools that are necessary. Now I know I can succeed online! It's just a matter of time.

Stephen Pierce is one cool guy who knows what he's talking about, & I would recommend him to anyone who plans on succeeding on the internet.

I'm still having so many "aha moments" since the's just incredible!

 Thanks Stephen and Alicia Pierce for all of the information and help. I still have a lot to learn but feel confident that I now have been given every tool that can help me succeed online. It's up to me to take the action of course, but it feels like it's just a matter of time before my online business takes on a life of it's own.

I do believe that the internet is one of the greatest tools we have at our fingertips...but we are the ones who must tell the internet what to do!

We can use the internet for researching lots of data, for keeping in touch with friends, for playing games online or making money on the internet... and the list goes on!

We can use it for good or we can use it for harm. But whatever we do...we should remember... The Internet Doesn't Discriminate! You & I get to choose what we do with it.

Thanks for coming to my forum & posting any of your own comments about the Internet & what your thoughts are about its use in your own life.

Till then,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Jill Bachman

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2/16/2009 3:49:06 AM

Hi Cheryl,

What a great article!  I did not realize how much I had missed your intellect and outstanding posts til now.   :-)

WELCOME BACK to Adland my friend!  This is like old home week!

Hugs,  Jill

Flag of Judy Smith

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2/16/2009 7:33:11 AM

Hello Cheryl Baxter,

I am so thrilled to see you!!  I love the article you wrote, and was truly happy to see your smile.  It has been a while!!

Well, first, it is just great to see you back at Adland.  And second, I will reread your post and check it out!

I agree, Jill.  It is like old home week!!

Hugs and blessings,


Flag of Rick Martin

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2/16/2009 10:32:04 AM
Hey Cheryl,

Nice to see you here after  all of these months. I have not been very active for awhile now and am going to checlout the book that you have posted.

I am hoping that all is well with you and yours and wish you all the prosperity that you so richly deserve.

Rick Martin
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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2/16/2009 1:43:33 PM

Hi Jill,

Thanks so much for dropping by & it's great to see you too.  I always appreciated your encouraging words & looked forward to your forums & posts.

Please let me know if you have any words you would like to post about the internet & how it affects you daily & what's the upside & downside in your opinion. 

Take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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