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Trina Sonnenberg

784 Posts
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My Apologies....
2/23/2008 8:39:01 AM
Would You Help Me?
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg

First off, I would like to apologize to everyone for not being as responsive as usual. I have not been ignoring anyone... really. Actually, I've been quite busy.

You see, being a webmaster, channel master, and publisher, I have a lot of content to maintain. And each year I do major restorations to what I've got. This year is no exception. I went through all of my web pages and redesigned two of my domains, and

When I do this annual housekeeping, I check links to make sure they work. I also check the content to keep it updated. What's the point of having an informational web site, if the information it contains is old, right? Another thing I try to do is to make the pages easier on the eye and to navigate through. And this year, I consolidated.

TLC Promotions had so many pages. Talk about information overload! It overwhelmed me, and I built it. I went through every page and reconstructed the whole site. Essentially, it is brand new, and just the way I like it. I still have some old pages floating around out there, but the meat and potatoes is brand new. (Those floating pages, are in the process of deletion, or restructuring too.) wasn't such a major undertaking. It hasn't been around as long as either. Fewer pages to deal with.

As I said, it is just the way I like it, but I would really appreciate your point of view. After all, I built these sites, not for myself, but for others. Would you mind terribly, visiting my sites, and giving them the once-over, then letting me know what you think? I need a view through another's eyes to know for sure if I got it right.

You can contact me here:

I really appreciate your doing this for me.

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276

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