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Re: A Request For Prayers And Thoughts For Shirley Caron's Brother-In-Law, Paul
8/19/2005 12:30:04 AM
Hi,Ken and Sherry! I want to thank you so much for your thoughts and Prayers for my Brother-In-Law, Paul! Thank you for being very special Friends! I Love You! God Bless You Both & Everyone At AdlandPro! Your Friend In Christ, Shirley Ruth Caron Here are the Links that will take you to the Picture that is on the Front of my T-Shirt that I am Selling on AdlandPro! The money that is collected from the Shirts, will be going towards The Epilepsy Foundation to help them find a Cure for this dreadful Disease! Please feel free to visit my new Website: Please feel free to add your Comments! I am putting this Photo Album together because today is our Tenth Anniversary! We will be renewing our Wedding Vows! I will be putting several Photos of my Friends at AdlandPro in my Photo Album! I will be very proud and honored to have their Photos in my Album!
Re: A Request For Prayers And Thoughts For Shirley Caron's Brother-In-Law, Paul
8/19/2005 12:35:23 AM
Hi,Beverly! I want to thank you so much for your thoughts and Prayers for my Brother-In-Law, Paul! Thank you for being a very special Friend! I Love You! God Bless You & Everyone At AdlandPro! Your Friend In Christ, Shirley Ruth Caron Please feel free to visit my new Website: Please feel free to add your Comments! I am putting this Photo Album together because today is our Tenth Anniversary! We will be renewing our Wedding Vows! I will be putting several Photos of my Friends at AdlandPro in my Photo Album! I will be very proud and honored to have their Photos in my Album!
Re: A Request For Prayers And Thoughts For Shirley Caron's Brother-In-Law, Paul
8/19/2005 12:41:59 AM
Hi,Roy! I want to thank you for your thoughts and Prayers for my Brother-In-Law, Paul! Thank you for being a very special Friend! I Love You! God Bless You & Everyone At AdlandPro! Your Friend In Christ, Shirley Ruth Caron Please feel free to visit my new Website: Please feel free to add your Comments! I am putting this Photo Album together because today is our Tenth Anniversary! We will be renewing our Wedding Vows! I will be putting several Photos in my Photo Album of my Friends at AdlandPro! I will be very proud and honored to have their Photos in my Album!
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: A Request For Prayers And Thoughts For Shirley Caron's Brother-In-Law, Paul
8/19/2005 2:27:22 PM
Hi Marion, Thank you for letting us know about this. Paul will be in my prayers and in my thoughts. All the best to you too Marion, Anamaria
Re: A Request For Prayers And Thoughts For Shirley Caron's Brother-In-Law, Paul
8/19/2005 8:13:30 PM
Hi I am with you on this prayer thank you for the invite. you are A blessing to this Adland family. Fredie
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