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Business and Romance
2/1/2008 10:22:10 PM

We are in a very popular period leading up to Valentines Day in February 2008 and sometimes business and romance are connected in a unique way.

While the above concept is sometimes acceptable to many persons on the job, in reality, it can cause some problems for the parties involved and for the company/business. Even online relationships are not immune from problems associated with this concept of on-the-job romance.

Here are a few tips discovered that may interest some:

“…there are some things to keep in mind if you do become involved in a romance at work.”

  • Do your job efficiently and creatively. You cannot let your work ethic be compromised.
  • Be a team player and readily available to help others. Don't give people a reason to think you are only working with your sweetheart.
  • Stay clear of public displays of affection. Don't be demonstrative in public; leave that to lunch breaks or after work.
  • Remember that people do break up. Make sure you remain professional and don't burn bridges.

So we are to be wise when it comes to business and romance on the job.


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Mike TaylorAdvertising/Marketing Associate and General Articles Writer.

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