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new member--juggling two kids and working at home
1/13/2008 2:08:47 PM
I'd love to share ideas on this topic...please contact me with your thoughts on balancing family life with working at home!
Patty Parenting, Child Development, Shopping Resource Gifts and Party supplies for everyone and every event! Low Cost Advertising
Re: new member--juggling two kids and working at home
1/13/2008 2:23:56 PM

Hi Patty,

Thanks for stopping by and joining the forum. What are the ages of your children? How long have you been working from home?


Re: new member--juggling two kids and working at home
1/13/2008 2:50:03 PM
That's the tricky part....they are 3.5 and 9 mos old, both boys...very demanding and still nursing the younger one.

Patty Parenting, Child Development, Shopping Resource Gifts and Party supplies for everyone and every event! Low Cost Advertising
Re: new member--juggling two kids and working at home
1/13/2008 3:54:25 PM

You must be one busy Mom!

My girls are older now, but I remember when they were little all the demands. My marriage failed when they were 1 & almost 3. I was away from them working a full-time day job while they were in daycare, so I especially felt guilty if I had to do something that didn't require spending time with them when I wasn't working! I usually waited until they were with their Dad if at all possible.

I've definitely learned over the years that it is okay to say no to friends and family if you need to. At times I would get overwhelmed with how much there was to do. I also learned not to worry if my house wasn't as clean as I would have liked, etc.

Another thing that helped me was trying to keep them to a pretty strick bedtime routine, getting PJs on, brushing teeth, read them a story, etc. and I also stuck to the same time going to bed every night (with occasional exceptions). Soon, bedtime was a breeze and I never had problems with them going to sleep. There were problems with both of them off and on getting up in the night and crawling into bed with me, however, but that is another story!

This gave me at least one hour every night before I went to bed to do whatever I wanted. Sometimes I did catch up on chores, but other times I would just relax with a magazine or take a hot bath.

I think it is important that you find a few minutes each day just for yourself, to do what you want, even without hubby, it is amazing how it can revitilize you!






Re: new member--juggling two kids and working at home
1/16/2008 7:02:33 AM

I know what you mean..sometimes there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. I have found that if I share with my kids why I work outside the home and why I have a Home Based Business, you know what I mean, how it will benefit us one day and I can be home even more in time and how it allows us to have and do things now that w/o my HBB we might not have or be able to do, they understand better.

I have my 8yr. old involved in my HBB, have her do things for me and she has chores she does to help me out also. It has made a big difference in how they feel. Just be sure to make "Kid Time" too, that is very important!

Have a Great Day Everyone!


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