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Allen Daniels

38 Posts
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Earn $1000 in 48 hours & build your list
1/2/2008 7:39:49 PM

This unstoppable moneymaker will blow your mind
and open up brand new possibilities for you from
the moment you open it up...

And the best part is, I've secured a few copies
to give away at zero cost if you get there first
(no small thing, when these normally sell for
$497 a pop!)

How can you get one?

Here's what you do: just sign up for the one
dollar trial...

Then, once you are a member of the LBC, you go to
the "bonuses" section of the List Building Club,
and you can get this "business-in-a-box" that
can literally make you $1,000 in 48 hours... 

(Plus fifteen MORE bonuses on top of that, will
also be instantly yours...just because you know
where to look!)

Get over there fast and take advantage of this
"Secret Bonus" today...

~Allen Daniels


P.S. It would be worth $1 to get the $2093 worth

Of bonus down loads...
Allen Daniels businessmaninboots

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