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Roger Macdivitt .

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The Glacial Movement is underway
12/28/2007 8:05:35 PM

This is not yet a business opportunity. This is a group of likeminded individuals combining their power and resources. AWESOME!


We at The Glacial Movement support a wiser earth.

Are you a “Snowflake” yet?

Are you “Iceteam” material?

Prepare to be a piece of Internet history and join an exclusive and unique experiment which harnesses the POWER of the MASSES.

The Glacial Movement is on the move.

By 2011 this flurry will be a significant accumulation with power and momentum.

Never before have the newest and least proficient, the humblest and the would-be-entrepreneur, the geek and the webmaster been given the same opportunity to shine.

Every day new folk join and leave perfectly good marketing opportunities for one good reason. They did not know what to do.

Everyday, experienced marketers attract new members to their programs only to find they don’t stay. They find the unteachable, the inexperienced, the uncontrollable, the downright awkward and the commonly confused. RESULT: Wasted effort, wasted talent and wasted time.

So What’s NEW?

By combining the “everyday” skills of “Snowflakes” with the skills of experts it is possible to start a Glacial Movement.

This movement aims to use and enhance existing moneymaking programs in a way beneficial to all but taking the knowledge and time factor out of the equation.

“Ice Team” members will act by using their expertise to physically place members into programs and ensure their contributions there and the “Ice Team” member will be rewarded with superior placements.

“Snowflakes” will pay to be placed into programs chosen by the group and can expect profitable ongoing returns.

NOT EVERYONE is a MARKETING EXPERT but most people are experts at something. The group intend to use this expertise as much as possible.

The aim of “THE GLACIAL MOVEMENT” is to build a Glacier capable of carving its way into the heart of moneymaking programs.

A democratic system will be sought which will make sure that all have a voice and that effort is rewarded.

If you are a Webmaster, successful marketer, a financial wizard or a security expert your skills are needed. The Ice Team awaits you.

If you are new, inexperienced or just plain confused about making money online you NEED to be a “Snowflake”. Together we can be a cohesive and dynamic force in online marketing.

Post here, send a personal message or email me at just say “Glacial” in your subject

I’m waiting for you to bring me in from the cold. Please, it’s freezing and we’re all wasting valuable resources.

What might you bring to the table?

Roger Macdivitt

Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Re: The Glacial Movement is underway
12/28/2007 8:11:48 PM

Those of you who have sent me personal messages have been noted and will receive membership details soon.

Roger, CEO,The Glacial Movement

Steven Suchar

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Re: The Glacial Movement is underway
12/28/2007 9:00:12 PM
"Thank You Roger"

Have A Safe Holiday Weekend :)

Michael Caron

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Re: The Glacial Movement is underway
12/29/2007 2:21:59 AM
Hi Roger,
  I've often been called flakey, at least now I know what kind of Flake it is.  As my finances grow, I will be wanting to branch out.  There are too many icicles on my branches right now, however I do want to learn more about the Glacial Revolution?  Any expertise on Artists Promotions available?  I would stay and chat, but I have to chip the Ice off right now.  Have a Great New Year.



{Brrrrr.  It's getting c-c-c-cold}

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Nick Sym

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Re: The Glacial Movement is underway
12/29/2007 4:35:04 AM
Thank You Roger !

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