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A Christmas Poem
12/25/2007 2:03:52 AM
It is the night before Christmas
And all through the House,
Not a Senator was thinking
About green energy, that louse!

The energy bill has many flaws
Despite, the planet's calls,
While they drink their eggnog
And eat their rum balls.

The earth has been crying for love
And be treated as such,
Are some Renewable tax incentives,
rebates, Asking too much?

The Senate's house is full of oil-
tax incentives, and greed
To sell us another 2 trillion in oil 
When Renewable is the need.

Now that they made the rich oil barons
another really big deal,
They again beat up Planet Earth,
Our Green they did steal!

RENEWABLE ENERGY Planet Earth does demand
to stop the pollution
Tax incentives, Rebates, New Senators Elected
Will be the Solution!

Now is the time to make your voice heard
Phone Calls, emails
, for your rights
Your Senators on Capitol Hill deserve
Many sleepless nights!

To all those Who believe they can make a
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
Sleep well and Good Night!

Robert DelNero
Independent Ecopreneur

ROBERT DEL NERO Owner: SolarDomeCo CEO/MyPowerMaker USA Corporation INDEPENDENT ECOPRENEUR, Wholesale Solar Powered Energy Systems SOLAR MADE SIMPLE

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