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Dennis Clairmont

642 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
First Christmas in Heaven
12/23/2007 3:12:21 PM
Hi Minister Tommy

You have been a great friend to me and you asked me to help you with your list of friends here in adlandpro.
When you asked me to help you i agreed and your friend list is Looking Great.
I said at the time you'll help me sometime.Now's the Time.The Favor you will do willingly Because i know you will.

First Christmas in Heaven

At least five people, including a three-year-old girl and a teen­ager, have been killed on slip­pery Nova Scotia roads in less than two weeks.

Minister Tommy and All Ministers in Adlandpro Come together I call on you to  Pray for these Tragic Accidents Victoms and There Families.Pray to keep our highways safe.

All Adlandpro Members Go to Type in Killed in (YOUR TOWN)
POST Your Town For A prayer sent out for your friends first christmas in heaven.

That's My Favor Minister Tommy

Best Wishes


Re: First Christmas in Heaven
12/23/2007 6:10:31 PM


Thank You for that request and favor my friend..I am now going to pray for all of you here in adland , and yes for the tragic victims that were taken away from family and friends.

My friends..when you pray it does not matter where you are, or what you are doing, you don't even need to be in a church building..prayer is talking to God from your heart and making your feelings and requests known to him. He already knows your prayers before you pray them, he wants to have that time with you to console you and love you. Do not ever, ever, believe the lies of satan, he will say you have to be a minister, or have one pray with you to make the prayers lagitamate, and you need to be in church..that is a lie satan and I am making it know to all of the world...prayer time is intimate time with you and the Lord anywhere, and any place you are fact the Lord says go to your quiet place and come to me to hear my voice!! Satan you are a coward and a lier in Christs name!!

Father God..I come before you this day to present the sorry and sadness in the hearts of many, all around this world, in canada, in the u.s, anywhere. I ask that you will give healing to the ones whom have lost there loved ones in canada, and everywhere around the globe, I ask you will cover there families and friends with your love and allow them to know you are there for them to lean upon. Lord we don't understand why you allow things to happen, but we know it is for a purpose only known to you, and that by faith we must take courage in knowing you are a great God and will be there for any one whom asks your help. I know father that this is a busy time of the year for everyone, allot of hussle and bussle going on and no careful thought put into what we need to be doing like driving, walking..etc we need to understand that when we dont listen to you, you will get us to listen in one way or the time 5 years ago when you took 8 yes 8 people dear to me including my momma and my poppa...why did you lord?? its not for me to know, but only for me to trust you had a reason why. My heart goes out to all of these folks Lord and I ask that you will cover them all with the blood of the lamb, and I speak healing, protection from satan, and for their lives to be blessed and encouraged.

All my new friends here at adland, all around the globe, I cover each and everyone of them now as i speak with your love and protection from any and all attacks from the enemy, in fact no weapon forged shall not prosper in Jesus's holy name!! I ask that any and all whom need prayer and for me to guide them in any way, to come to me so i can come before you Father God. Blessings and Prosperity for the New Year I speak now, and all that are travelling or going anywhere, I ask your angels will be around about them all.

For in love I pray this to you, and ask all of this to come into existance, and let be know that satan is the father of all lies. I speak this prayer to you in your Holy Name Jehova!!! Amen and Amen.

When you read this my friends with a open heart, Jesus hears you, and he will act upon your faith upon him. Have a great CHRISTmas and a great New Year!!

Blessings and Love to you all!! Minister (T)


Tommy Heldenbrand DivinelyAnointedMinistries