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Sue Dietrich

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Re: Vote For Our 8th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week For 12/24/07
12/17/2007 8:29:33 PM

Great bunch in this Gentleman. I have voted I am sure they are all deserving indeed.

Keep Smiling

Peaches :)

Re: Vote For Our 8th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week For 12/24/07
12/17/2007 10:28:31 PM

Hi, Joe Lee!

I want to Congratulate all these Gentlemen for being selected!!!!! They are all deserving of the Recognition! I wanted to put my Vote in, but for some reason the Computer would not let me Vote. I was Logged in, so that was not the reason. I don't know what went wrong! I Love You, Joe Lee and I want to thank you for being a very special Friend and God Bless You and Your Family! Happy Holidays to you, your Family and Everyone at AdlandPro!


Shirley Ruth Caron

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Vote For Our 8th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week For 12/24/07
12/18/2007 9:59:17 AM

Hi Shirley,

Aways a pleasure my friend good to see you here ,The poll is on the main page be sure your Java is enable and cookies allowed . The poll is on the right side of the page. If your unable to see the poll and using IE browsers please try a new browsers like Netscape or firefox  for some reason your are being blocked from viewing the Java script poll .Please Let me know how you make out.Not required to be registered to cast your vote , Gods speed Lee

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Vote For Our 8th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week For 12/24/07
12/18/2007 10:01:04 AM


Thank You for casting your vote enjoy your day my friend Gods speed :-) Lee

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Vote For Our 8th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week For 12/24/07
12/18/2007 10:05:55 AM

Mike ,

Great to see you back my friend , always a pleasure , Hmmm shower in a voting booth now that I think would make casting a bit to steamy my friend lol Thank you for joining and casting your vote . Enjoy your day Gods speed :-) Lee


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