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A Christmas Message
12/16/2007 11:27:27 AM
A Christmas message: Give the Gift of Life to the Animals! Do not consume your small brothers and sisters, the animals. Let them live, for they bear the same breath that human beings have. It is from God. Do no evil by destroying a part of your inner life, by killing and consuming the animals. God gave nature and the animals to us human beings, so that we find our way into a life of unity again. For everything that God beheld and created, is given from the great unity of love, so that we find our way into unity once again. Particularly the celebration of Christmas, the birth of the great Spirit in the baby Jesus, should be a symbol for us: He came to the animals. The animals received him, the people did not. Do we receive the animals in our hearts? When we allow the animal world to live, we sense the meaning of Christmas: It is a great celebration of light. It is a great celebration of unity. And then we light a candle and look into the light and ask ourselves: “What does God want?” He wants us to fulfil the lawful principles of life so that we find our way to the life. These are found in the commandments of God and in the teachings of Jesus, the Christ. Then, our heart expands – also for the Mother Earth with its many life forms, the plants and the animals. We wish our readers a wonderful Christmas season and the knowledge: The fulfilment of God’s will is our personal life’s work, that makes us happy, free and ethical. Source:
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