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Jean Marie

199 Posts
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What are your 2008 plans for action to help improve our world?
11/24/2007 6:28:55 PM

Hello my ALP friends....

Can you believe that 2007 is drawing to a close?  I can't... this year has passed so quickyl! Which means that 2008 is right around the corner.

A new year, a time for reflection on the year that has gone by, and for making resolutions (yup, those pesky New Year's resolutions that we don't always get to see fulfilled).

So, my friends, what did you accomplish in 2007 that resulted in some improvement for mankind?  Brought some ray of hope to someone in need? Made a little corner of the world better for someone? And...  what will you do in 2008?  What selfless act of giving, be it time, goods, services or charitable donation, will you enact in 2008 - not for personal gain, but solely to improve someone else's life? Please post & share with us your triumphs, your gifts of self, and also those things that never quite materialized in 2007. Please, this is not a forum for blatant advertisements, but a place to "share & brainstorm" ways to improve the world we live in!

One person can't change the whole world, but each of us can do one thing, just one little selfless thing, to make a difference. If everyone did just that, can you imagine how great a world this could be?

You all are well aware of what my answer to these questions would be... (I'm sure a lot of you are quite tired of hearing me go on about breast cancer). I wish I could end the battle, claim victory and put down my sword (well, actually my shoes, LOL) but since one out of every eight women will be diagnosed in her lifetime & the cure is still just beyond our grasp, I must continue! I and my team, the 3Day Dancers, will continue to try & raise awareness in every venue available to us.

I have something for each of you, men & women alike (yes, guys, men can & do get breast cancer). No strings, this is not an ad, not a request for anything - well, maybe that you share the information you read because it could SAVE A LIFE!

This booklet (below) contain information about breast cancer, what it is, what to look for, treatment, etc., and EVERYONE should know this information. (Please note that this booklet does contain photographs of breasts as examples for diagnosis. If this type of imagery offends you, do not downland this book).

Pass it along...  print it out & give it to the people you love!  There is no CURE at this time, so early detection is your best protection!

Our walking placard is so long with the names of people close to us who are battling this disease and those who have lost their fight, that it barely fits on the back of our shirts.  I do not think I can bear losing another family member or friend to this disease.... I can't even express the level of sorrow you feel when you feel helpless against this killer. 

Life is PRECIOUS....  too many are engaged in this battle, too many have been taken too soon....  EVERYONE deserves a LIFETIME... 

So, my friends, read, learn, and for heaven's sake, please get your annual examinations...  learn your body... and when it tells you something is wrong...  see your physician...  when it comes to breast cancer, it does not just "go away".

My apologies for the long post and for bending your ear (well, actually your eyes, LOL).

I wish all of you the happiest and healthiest of holiday seasons and may your New Year be bright and full of love!

Hugs to all of you,






JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Larry Blethen

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Re: What are your 2008 plans for action to help improve our world?
11/25/2007 9:45:01 AM
hello JeanMarie...thank you for sharing this important information...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Jean Marie

199 Posts
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Re: What are your 2008 plans for action to help improve our world?
11/25/2007 11:42:06 AM

Hi Larry!

Thanks for taking time to read my post & the info...

Have a joyous holiday season and a healthy, happy New Year,



JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Barb Doyle

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Re: What are your 2008 plans for action to help improve our world?
11/25/2007 3:28:11 PM

Hello JeanMarie,

This year I have helped many people achieve wellness - physically, emotionally, mentally and financially. I will continue to do this for as long as I am alive. People don't have to worry about dis-ease if they are willing to get on the right path. Also you want to focus on what you want more of which is wellness.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

We can help you succeed.



Nick Sym

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Re: What are your 2008 plans for action to help improve our world?
11/26/2007 3:39:08 AM

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works