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FREE Sales/Marketing skill training
11/2/2007 7:12:14 AM

"Nothing in life happens until something gets sold." Want to challenge that statement? Want to learn or hone your sales/marketing skills? Do it for FREE on this new forum. Check it out right here.

Lesson one:

Issue #324, October 31-November 1 2007 – Selling and Sales Skills
Publisher:  David Riklan

*** Inspirational Quotes for the Sales Professional ***

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss
of enthusiasm.
-Winston Churchill

Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use
advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he
-William Bernbach

If a man smiles all the time, he's probably selling something that
doesn't work.
-George Carlin

** Article: The Unmentioned KEY In Prospecting & Selling – By Scott
Rauber **

The Number One Key to Prospecting and Marketing - PEOPLE DO BUSINESS

See for yourself.

Let me start by asking you this. Have ever taken your business from one
company and given it to another (which sells the same product or
service) because you just didn’t like the person you were dealing with. Have
you ever said, “I don’t know what it was about him or her, but I just
didn’t like them.” Or, “I just don’t trust him or her.” Or, better yet,
“I don’t even know them.”

If you’ve ever said these phrases, as I suspect we all have, then you
know E-X-A-C-T-LY how important it is to do business with someone you
know, like and trust!!

In the beginning of any of my businesses, I knew people would do
business with me if they only knew me. I also knew that once they got to know
me, eventually they would like me, and more importantly trust me. Then
I would be able to conduct business with them for years to come.

The same will be true for you.

Think about it for a second. The instant someone starts to trust you,
you sense it don’t you? After that trust is established, moving forward
becomes easier doesn’t it? It can be with a friend, a loved one, or in
business. And it’s peculiar because you can’t really pinpoint trust;
you just know it’s been verified.

Stop for a minute and think of one person you trust completely. Can you
explain why you trust him or her? It’s hard to put into words isn’t
it? I know it is for me.

There is nothing more powerful than trust. Nothing.

On the other hand, we’ve all decided not to buy from a
Salesperson because something just didn’t feel right. Maybe we
suspected they weren’t telling us the truth, or the salesperson was side
stepping our questions.

When we sense deception or distrust, a very powerful alert mechanism is
somehow automatically triggered in our innermost being. We don’t think
about it, it instinctively happens. It’s built into us. It’s as  automatic as gravity. And, if we fail to yield to this built in  INSTANT-WARNING-DANGER-ALERT REACTION, we will remain unsettled and uncomfortable  regarding our decision.

Do you know WHY businesses repeatedly advertise and market to people?
Because they’re attempting to establish trust and likeability, by continually placing their advertisements in front of them.

That’s why repetition, repetition, repetition is so vital in marketing  and advertising to people who have no idea who you are.

However, that style of relentless marketing and advertising is not
necessary, but is considered obnoxious, to people that already trust you.

It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read on selling, marketing,
advertising, or prospecting, the most important reason people BUY is -  they liked, and or trusted the individual that was selling.

At the core of all transactions you'll find this truth to be the foundation.

So, to make your prospecting easier (note I didn’t say easy), wouldn’t  it make sense for you to contact people that you have already established trust with? You know who they are, and I promise you they’ll be more  open to your new venture than a complete stranger would be.

You’ll find your presentations, quotes, bids, estimates, and prospecting, easier if you will seek out those who already know, like and trust you.

When looking for prospects, you should repeatedly ask yourself “Who knows, likes, and trusts me already?”

- About the Author:
Scott Rauber is the author of “How To Find Prospects Using Little or NO
Money!” -


If you like this forum and thread please let me know. If you've seen something useful in sales/marketing please share it on this thread.

Thank you.

Gunther G.

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991
Re: FREE Sales/Marketing skill training
12/15/2007 10:48:17 AM

I need more friends!  How about YOU?


Your friend (to be?)

Gunther G.

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991
Re: FREE Sales/Marketing skill training
1/30/2008 3:35:44 PM

Click on either banner (both will be even better) and see how it will help YOUR business.  BOTH comply with my strict rules regarding any business that I support.

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991