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What Do Your Commissions Look Like?
10/8/2007 4:24:54 AM
Tired of seeing $30.00 to $1000.00 a month commissions?
Are you putting in over 40 hrs per week to earn them?
The US national hourly wage is now $5.85. Or $234.00 for 40 hrs. of work. That totals to $936.00 a month.

Does this mean your affiliate program is pay you minimum wage or less for all the advertising you are doing???

Wake up and see a better way. Make what you are worth.

Let me hear you started off your week with what you are worth.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

Re: What Do Your Commissions Look Like?
10/8/2007 7:39:56 AM

This may be a good thing, but I don't use Pay Pa.

Shirley Manion

Shirley Manion MoneyMakers, Shopping, blogs, fun places Shopping Bargains and Deals Connections Your own fun Iggly Biggly business for only $20.00 h