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Denyce Verkuilen

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Tri-Factor Formula
10/6/2007 12:12:57 AM
How do they work? Despite their tiny size, transfer factors and nanofractions can make a big impact on the immune system. Be Smart. Be Speedy. Be Effective. Your immune system relies on information. Specifically, it needs to know (1) that there’s a problem and (2) how to deal with it. The communication molecules of 4Life Transfer Factor keep your immune system informed and ready to respond. 4Life Transfer Factor helps your immune system act quickly, keeping your immune system in fighting form. 4Life Transfer Factor educates your immune system; it tracks the invaders you’ve encountered in the past and how your body dealt with them. This history of success helps your immune system respond quickly and effectively to each new event. Tri-Factor Formula? What can it mean for you? What do the experts say? 4Life Transfer Factor + NanoFactor = Tri-Factor Formula Tri-Factor Formula provides exactly what your immune system needs for optimal health. A healthy, intelligent immune system can: (1) quickly recognize the problem; (2) respond to the problem with a boost of immune cell activity or a calming down of immune cell activity—depending on what your body needs. “The intelligence of 4Life Transfer Factor, combined with the intuition of NanoFactor, creates a superior product that helps the immune system know when to balance, when to boost, and when to calm down. What we have discovered and formulated delivers real benefits to 4Life Distributors and customers.”Calvin McCausland, Ph.D. 4Life Chief Scientific Officer For a Great Business Opportunity visit: and register gor your free movie presentation. Products:

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